Preorder Policy FAQ
How does your preorder system work?
We take preorders responsibly, ensuring transparency and confidence in fulfillment. We do not solicit preorders for games with volatile or unpredictable fulfillment. Instead, we follow two key approaches:
- Confirmed Allocations: For products with uncertain fulfillment, we only list them for preorder 1-2 weeks prior to launch, once we have received final allocations from our distributor.
- High-Confidence Preorders: In cases where we receive strong distributor assurances—such as a print-to-demand confirmation or other reliable fulfillment indicators—we may open preorders before final allocations are confirmed.
Should I be cautious when preordering?
As with any preorder, we encourage customers to proceed with awareness. While we work hard to be transparent, honest, and responsible with our listings, unforeseen supply chain issues can occasionally arise. If anything changes regarding a product’s availability, we will communicate updates as soon as possible.
Thank you for trusting us with your orders—we appreciate your support!