Song Of Ice & Fire
Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Starter Set
King Robert Baratheon is dead. And while his (alleged) son Joffrey sits on the throne, there are other Baratheons who have also made claim to the kingdom. Both Renly and Stannis Baratheon have laid claim to the Iron Throne and they are willing to fight to take it. House Baratheon might be internally divided, but their troops are still just as strong as ever on the battlefield. The Baratheon Starter Set gives players everything they need to make their claim on the Iron Throne. It comes complete with a rulebook, dice, measuring sticks, stat cards, and miniatures to field a full army in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game. Players will get two units of Baratheon Wardens, and a unit each of Baratheon Sentinels and Stag Knights. Along with that, there are Unit Attachments and NCUs, including characters such as Renly and Stannis Baratheon, Alester Florent, Shyra Errol, and more.
Song of Ice & Fire: Night's Watch Starter Set
In the far North, at the very edge of civilization in Westeros, the Night’s Watch tirelessly guard The Wall against any and all incursions. Formed from the discarded men in society (the lower sons, the criminals, and the bastards), they train hard and are equipped well to face the many horrors looking to sow chaos further South. They will need that resolve to keep Westeros safe. The Night’s Watch Starter Set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives a player everything they need to start a Night’s Watch force. It contains two units of Sworn Brothers, a unit of Veterans of the Watch, a unit of Ranger Trackers, plus many characters and unit attachments, such as Jon Snow, his Direwolf Ghost, and Jeor Mormont. It also has dice, tokens, terrain, and everything else required to start playing right out of the box.
Song of Ice & Fire: Free Folk Starter Set
The Free Folk in the north care not for the squabbles of the various Houses south of The Wall. These nomadic tribes will go where they please. And recently, they’ve been flowing their way into warmer climes. However, the people already in those lands don’t take kindly to what appears to be an invading force. Both sides are arming for war. The A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game Free Folk Starter Box has everything a player needs to start a Free Folk army. It contains two full units of Free Folk Raiders, as well as a unit of Savage Giants, and a unit of Free Folk Trappers. Additionally, it has various Unit Attachments, Commanders, and NCUs to customize what players field. Also included is the game rulebook, custom Free Folk dice, tokens, measuring sticks, terrain templates, and everything necessary to send a force to war.
Song of Ice & Fire: Stark Starter Set
The House Stark Starter Set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game includes everything a player needs to begin a Stark army. It contains Stark Sworn Swords, Umber Berserkers, and Karstark Spearmen as troops. There are also numerous characters such as Robb Stark, Greatjon Umber, and Greywind. Along with units and characters, it contains the faction’s Tactics deck, dice, rulebook, and more, making it able to field right out of the box. This is a must-have for players who want to hoist the Direwolf banner in battle.
Song of Ice & Fire: Martell Starter Set
House Martell rules southern Westeros under the Sunspear banner leading some of the fastest troops in the War of the Five Kings. Their doctrine of battle is to strike fast, strike hard, and evade counterattack. Their Spearmen and Skirmishers form the bulk of their forces, while the elite Dune Dervishes fill a flanking and pinning role.But the true might of House Martell is embodied in its leadership. Prince Doran rules the great house from the Sunspear while Prince Oberyn leads from the front. Areo Hotah's valor has seen many battles won by strength-of-will alone, and the political machinations of Ellaria Sand keep enemies guessing where and when House Martell will strike next.Each miniature is supplied on a 30mm base.Plastic components.Contents: 1 Rulebook4 Combat Unit Cards7 Attachment Cards3 Non-Combat Unit Cards26 Tactics Cards3 Special Rules Cards12 Siege Cards24 Mission Cards10 Objective Cards1 Reference Card1 Castle Wall Card1 Measuring Stick71 Cardboard Tokens1 Tactics Board10 Martell d61 Six-sided d34 Movement Trays10 Cardboard Terrain Pieces3 Cardboard Castle Walls55 Miniatures ‣ 1 Doran Martell ‣ 1 Ellaria Sand ‣ 1 Oberyn Martell ‣ 1 Areo Hotah ‣ 1 Dervish Captain ‣ 11 Dervishes ‣ 1 Dervish Bannerman ‣ 22 Spearmen ‣ 2 Spearmen Captains ‣ 2 Spearmen Bannermen ‣ 12 Sand Skirmishers
Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Starter Set
The House Lannister Starter Set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a perfect starting place for players looking to don the red and gold in battle. It has everything they might need, from figures and stat cards to dice and rulebooks. Lannister Guardsmen and Halberdiers, along with a unit of Clegane Brigands make up the troops. Meanwhile, characters like Jaime, Cersei, and Tyrion Lannister, along with “The Mountain that Rides” Gregor Clegane alter the battlefield in their own way. A complete set, the faction is ready to play right out of the box.
Song of Ice & Fire: Neutral Heroes Box #2
Westeros is a land not unfamiliar with war and conflict. Much blood has been shed all across its expanse. During times of strife, there are those that don’t simply stand behind a single banner, but will move from force to force looking to either make some coin or simply follow their own paths and desires. These individuals are no less useful on the battlefield, as they often bring special skills that may not be found under one’s own banner. The Neutral Heroes II Box has many of these individuals, from all walks of life and from all corners of Westeros. There are new Unit Attachments such as Bronn or Brienne. There’s new Non-Combat Units like Jaqen H’ghar and Tycho Nestoris. There are even new Neutral army commanders like Vargo Hoat and Daario Naharis, complete with their Tactics Cards. Each one can dramatically alter the way an army functions on the battlefield.
Song of Ice & Fire: Targaryen Starter Set
While the great Houses of Westeros fight with one another over who will sit on the Iron Throne, a foreign faction steadily grows in power across the ocean. Daenerys Targaryen is uniting the Dothraki forces along with Khal Drogo. These horselords will soon be making the trek across the Narrow Sea and make their presence known. A new contender for the Iron Throne is about to enter in grand fashion. The Targaryen Starter Set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game provides players a new faction to use in the pursuit of the Iron Throne. It comes with everything a player needs to get started right away, including rulebook, dice, measuring sticks, the Targaryen Tactics Deck, tokens, counters, and more. The faction primarily consists of cavalry units, including Dothraki Screamers, Outriders, and Veterans. There are also special characters like Khal Drogo, Daenerys Targaryen, and Jorah Mormont players can use to augment their armies. This highly-mobile, tough force will bring new challenges and new opportunities to the battlefield.
Song of Ice & Fire: Night's Watch Shadow Tower Spearmen
At the Wall’s western end stands the Shadow Tower and the men of the Night’s Watch who stand their vigil. Like all Night’s Watch brothers, the Shadow Tower Spearmen are clad in black leather and darkened steel, suited for warmth against the North’s legendary cold. Spearmen make superior flank guards, adept at receiving enemy charges, whether that be from cavalry or infantry, and delivering punishing blows before their opponent closes range. Spearmen can hold a center, if need be, but are better suited staying mobile. They’re not suited to lead an offensive move but can easily support such a maneuver.
Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Rose Knights
House Baratheon is a House divided. However, even at only partial strength, they can field an army that’s more than a match for any other force in Westeros. The Rose Knights are King Renly’s finest warriors. Their armor may seem simply ceremonial, but it is made of the strongest steel, and the soldiers that wear that armor are likewise as tough and dedicated to seeing their King on the Iron Throne. The Rose Knights unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Baratheon players a new, hardy unit on the battlefield. The Rose Knights will only fight for King Renly, but when they take the field, their strong melee attacks and ability to restore wounds while simultaneously dealing them to the enemy makes them a difficult unit for opposing players to fully wipe out.
Song of Ice & Fire: Night's Watch Ranger Vanguard
The Night’s Watch’s Rangers are adept horsemen, able to scout quickly through areas and report back on goings-on beyond the Wall. In combat, their swift attacks can disable enemies before they have a chance to react. The Ranger Vanguard are the elites from these cavalry ranks. Their knowledge of battle makes them invaluable during a skirmish.
Song of Ice & Fire: Targaryen Mother of Dragons
Queen Daenerys Targaryen isn’t only known as the Mother of Dragons simply because she is the head of her House. No, she has control of three of these mythical beasts. Rhaegal, Viserion, and Drogon answer her every call and follow her every command. As if the legions of Unsullied, the hordes of Dothraki, and the swarms of mercenaries weren’t enough, the ultimate weapon lies with her dragons. With them, she will take the Iron Throne. The Mother of Dragons box set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Targaryen players three massive dragons to use on the battlefield along with their “mother,” Daenerys. Each dragon has its own figure and stat card. Daenerys has two iterations, complete with Tactics Cards as befitting her Commander rank. With these mighty creatures at the front, surely House Targaryen will retake the Iron Throne.
Song of Ice & Fire: Greyjoy Starter Set
House Greyjoy is the undisputed ruler of the Iron Isles. The archipelago off the cost of Westeros is full of dangerous currents that make them treacherous to untrained sailors. But those that sail under the Kraken banner are some of the most capable around. With the war for the Iron Throne distracting the Houses on the mainland, House Greyjoy has taken the opportunity to step up their raiding along the coast. Seaside communities fear the sight of the Kraken Banner on the horizon. The Greyjoy Starter Set is a must-have for those wanting to play the faction in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game. The set contains not only a fully fieldable army for the faction, but also the Greyjoy Tactics Deck, rulebook for the game, custom faction dice, terrain, measuring sticks, and more. The Krakens iron grip is unbreakable.
Song of Ice & Fire: Night's Watch Ranger Hunters
Speed is often the deciding factor in combat. The one that can get in a good, strong strike against their opponent will be at an advantage for the rest of the battle. The swift Ranger Hunters excel at lightning-fast strikes. Using either their short bow or their trusty daggers, they conduct rapid raids against enemies. However, that speed comes at a price in terms of armor. If caught in a protracted engagement, the favor quickly tips against them. The Ranger Hunters Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Night’s Watch Commanders a fast and agile unit on the battlefield. Their short bows can reach out and attack enemies before they can fight back. In melee, their Swift Strike attack allows them a free Retreat maneuver afterward. They also gain a bonus when attacking enemies that have yet to activate, allowing them to reroll misses once.
Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Heroes 2
Though Renly might be the younger of the Baratheon brothers looking to lay claim to the Iron Throne, it doesn’t mean he has any less conviction to go and take it. He has collected his forces and headed to the field of battle, even if it means diving House Baratheon between those loyal to him and those loyal to King Stannis. The Baratheon Heroes #2 box set for the Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Baratheon players eager to see Lord Renly on the Iron Throne a bunch of new options for their forces. With new Attachments, NCUs, and new choices for their army Commander, the set is a great way for players to customize their forces to fit their own particular playstyle.
Song of Ice & Fire Martell Heroes 1
Although somewhat removed from the court at King's Landing, the Sunspear of House Martell wields its influence like a patiently coiled viper. It waits, watches, chooses its moments, then strikes with sudden, shocking speed.Although one of the deadliest warriors afoot, Prince Oberyn Martell's political machinations are not to be undervalued, nor those of his daughters, the infamous "Sand Snakes." Obara, Nymeria, Tyene, and Elia Sand manipulate their enemies both on and off the battlefield with their father's same lethal precision. And Prince Oberyn's loyal ally Harmen Uller is always ready to raise his blade in House Martell's service.Each miniature is supplied on a 30mm base.Plastic components.Contents: 6 Miniatures ‣ Tyene Sand ‣ Elia Sand ‣ Obara Sand ‣ Harmen Uller ‣ Oberyn Martell ‣ Nymeria Sand6 Attachment Cards3 NCU Cards12 Tactics Cards1 Special Rules Card
Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Riders of Highgarden
King Renly’s alliance to House Tyrell through marriage to the Lady Margaery has given him access to the famed Riders of Highgarden. Although not as heavily armored as most heavy cavalry, the famed Riders of Highgarden can mount a devastating charge, though like most cavalry, their weakness lies in getting bogged down in prolonged combats. Savvy commanders should take care to make the most of their flanking capabilities and speed to target exposed enemy flanks.
Song of Ice & Fire: Stark Heroes Box 2
House Stark is known for its honor and integrity. As such, many have become allies of the great House that might be shunned or turned away, otherwise. In a world such as Westeros, it’s good to have friends. You never know what kind of skills they might be able to bring to the battlefield. The Stark Heroes II set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Stark Commanders a whole host of new options for their forces. Players can bring in the swordsmanship of the likes of Syrio Farel or his greatest apprentice, Arya Stark. Or perhaps they’ll want the cunning of Meera and Jojen Reed. For dog lovers, they could bring Rickon Stark and his direwolf, Shaggydog.
Song of Ice & Fire: Neutral Golden Company Crossbowmen
The Golden Company Crossbowmen have the ability to fire at long and short range to whittle down the enemy and cause Sundering before engaging with their short swords. In addition, they may perform the Order: Sentinel, allowing them to move towards Attackers that are engaging with ally forces. Their versatility makes them useful to any Faction that requires units to bolster their forces.
Song of Ice & Fire: Stark Karstark Loyalists
House Stark has many loyal bannerman. One of the most faithful is House Karstark of Karhold. Originally founded as a small branch of the major House, whenever House Stark calls for aid, House Karstark is among the first to send troops. The most common Loyalist troops from the House are kitted out with flails and shields. But their main weapon is a steadfast belief in their cause, letting them fight on even when taking wounds that would put a regular man down. This pride in knowing what they do is right is further bolstered when the troops gain an advantage in numbers of their enemy. If goaded into a fury by a Loyalist Captain, their zeal grows, making them fight even more reliably and shaking their opponents to the core.
Song of Ice & Fire: Greyjoy Heroes #2
The Greyjoy Heroes 2 box set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Greyjoy players lots of new options for their forces. The set contains new unique characters, including both UAs and NCUs, with several new options for army Commanders as well. Each one has their own goals, but all are working for the greater good of House Greyjoy.
Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Heroes 1
When Robert Baratheon died, control of the Iron Throne went to his son Joffrey. However, Robert’s brothers are also seeking to claim the throne for themselves. Both Stannis and Renly want it, each one with a cadre of followers who support their claim to the Iron Throne and are willing to do what they can to seat their choice seated there. The Baratheon Heroes #1 box set gives House Baratheon players in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game a host of options for when they field an army loyal to King Stannis. The box set contains seven new characters, including a new version of King Stannis himself. With four new options for army’s Commander, players will be able to customize their forces to their liking. All the Stat and Tactics cards needed to play these devoted followers are included, so they can be used right out of the box.
Song of Ice & Fire: Free Folk Heroes Box 1
The Free Folk aren’t necessarily fighting to place a representative on the Iron Throne. Though, they certainly would if given the opportunity. They are just trying to fight for an equal opportunity to live life like the southerners do, with their own lands and the rights to do on them as they please. From out of this rag-tag band, heroes have arisen to take leadership roles within the various tribes. The Free Folk Heroes I box gives Free Folk Commanders a whole host of new options for their forces. Coming up from the ranks of everyday men and women, people like Rattleshirt, Harma the Dogshead, or The Weeper, are set to move the course of the Free Folk in certain directions. This set includes both Unit Attachments as well as Non-Combat Units, including several Commanders and their accompanying Tactics cards. The fate of the Free Folk is in their hands.
Song of Ice & Fire: Stark Tully Cavaliers
House Tully has long been one of House Stark’s most stalwart allies. Now that the Direwolf has marched to war, every resource is being sent to field. That includes House Tully’s Cavaliers, their heavily armed and armored cavalry. They are masters at the cavalry charge and can break enemy lines with ease. The Tully Cavaliers Unit Box gives House Stark Commanders a new cavalry option for their forces. Equipped with heavy weapons designed specifically for cavalry, the Cavaliers gain multiple bonuses when Charging. Their Lances gain extra dice as well as gain Sundering, making the attack truly devastating. The Cavaliers also Embolden the troops around them, granting a bonus to all Morale Tests nearby allies must take.
Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon R'hllor Lightbringers
House Baratheon is well known for equipping their troops in some of the heaviest armor found on the battlefields of Westeros. While other Houses might also do this for their frontline combat troops or heavily-barded cavalry, House Baratheon’s zeal for heavy armor even extends to their support units. The R’hllor Lightbringers are some of the most heavily armored archers that will take to the field. Though most enemies are more concerned with the flaming arrows they fire rather than the armor they’re wearing. The R’hllor Lightbringers unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Baratheon players a new ranged unit to add to their forces. Loyal to Stannis Baratheon, they are some of the most heavily armored ranged units in the game. And their flaming arrows are certainly to not be overlooked, either.
Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Heroes 1
Wars are fought with money, and in the War of the Five Kings, none of the Great Houses are more financially equipped than the Lannisters. They outfit their troops in the best armor and arm them with the finest steel. But troops still need leaders. Some show their strength on the battlefield, like the Hound, Tyrion, or Lord Tywin. For others, like Maester Pycelle and the High Sparrow, their power is felt in the political arena. But make no mistake, they can influence the outcome of a battle all the same. The Lannister Heroes set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives players a powerful advantage in the war for the fate of Westeros.
Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Champions of the Stag
House Baratheon’s philosophy of “heavy arms and heavier armor” extends even to its cavalry. The Champions of the Stag are some of the heaviest armored in all of Westeros. These mounted knights head to battle in full plate, their huge destrier horses kitted with full barding. Yet, they still remain rather maneuverable during battle. These knights can be used as a flanking force, or simply plunged straight into the heart of an enemy formation. The Champions of the Stag unit for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Baratheon commanders a heavy cavalry option for their forces. With strong Defensive Save and Morale stats and multiple wounds per figure, they can withstand enemy attacks very well. They are also formidable on offense, gaining special bonuses with their Champion’s Wrath ability, which grants Critical Blow and forces the enemy to become Weakened if they roll any 1s when making Defensive Saves against their attacks. Truly a strong unit to have on the battlefield.
Song of Ice & Fire: Martell Sunspear Royal Guard
House Martell’s famous Sunspear Royal Guards are few in number but count among the best-trained units across all of Westeros. Their adaptive style lends itself well to both offensive and defensive initiatives, and while their armor is heavier than most Martell units, their physical conditioning allows them to keep pace. As a hard center to a Martell vanguard, the Royal Guards have no match in Martell forces, and their flexibility lets them seize the initiative on the field as the tide of battle shifts.
Song of Ice & Fire: Targaryen Heroes 2
Both the Dothraki Horse Lords and the Unsullied have pledged to follow House Targaryen and their leader, Daenerys, the Mother of Dragons, into Westeros so that she can reclaim the Iron Throne, as is her birthright. While the Dothraki and Unsullied have vastly different styles of fighting and command, they are both extremely effective. With powerful allies at her side, there is quite a strong chance that Daenerys will be in control of Kings Landing eventually.
Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Queen's Men
The Queen’s Men aren’t named necessarily for their dedication to Queen Selyse. Instead, it refers to their conversion to the R’hllor faith. And while many might be concerned that their true loyalties lie with the Red Priestess, for the time being, they are just as willing to head to battle in service of Stannis Baratheon. In time, their true nature might come to light. The Queen’s Men unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game give House Baratheon players a new melee-based option on the battlefield. Loyal to the older Baratheon brother, Stannis, they are clad in heavy armor and armed with longswords. Their conviction will potentially keep them on the battlefield when others might succumb to their wounds.
Song of Ice & Fire: Night's Watch Builder Stone Thrower
In the northernmost reaches of civilized land, the Night’s Watch man The Wall, keeping Westeros safe from the wild things roaming beyond. The Builders are there to maintain the troop’s arms and armor, as well as create massive siege weapons to contend with the monsters of the frozen north in safety upon The Wall. Smaller versions can be taken to battle when the Night’s Watch march to war as well. The Builder Stone Thrower is an artillery piece that Night’s Watch commanders can bring with them to battle. Extremely cumbersome to move and poorly armored, the Stone Thrower more than makes up for it in offensive power. The Thrower has no upper limit to its range, lobbing boulders over troops and terrain to land where needed. The huge rocks it launches crush anything they land on with no Defensive Saves allowed. The larger the target, the more damage they can do!
Song of Ice & Fire: Night's Watch Heroes Box 3
The Brotherhood of the Night’s Watch defends Westeros from the horrors that lay beyond The Wall. Despite being made up of criminals, runaways, lesser sons of nobles, and anyone that Yoren, the Wandering Crow, can recruit, they are no rag-tag group. Commanders like Cotter Pyke and Ser Denys Mallister keep recruits in line. New members like Satin take quickly to all manner of skills, while troops like Eddison Tollett and Benjen Stark proudly perform any duty that is given to them. Those initiated into The Black will fight to keep Westeros safe from those beyond The Wall.
Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Thorn Watch
When it comes to war, House Baratheon deigns to have the most defensive troops on the field. From the heavy barding of their cavalry to the thick plate of their troops, even the House’s archers are kitted out with heavier armor than some other House’s medium troops. These Thorn Watch, as they’re called, are even trained in the use of longswords, making them one of the best melee-fighting ranged units in Westeros.
Song of Ice & Fire: Free Folk Followers of Bone
Many in Westeros regard those in the Free Folk army as savages, and many in the Free Folk seem to go out of their way to enhance that feeling. The Followers of Bone are devoted to the Lord of Bones and have bedecked themselves with an assortment of macabre skeletal accessories, including using them as weapons in battle. Their disquieting practices and appearance has a marked effect on the enemy. The Followers of Bone unit box gives Free Folk commanders a scary new unit to fill their ranks. The horrific visages of these warriors can cause enemies to shrink back instead of surging forward, making them take a Panic Test before they can attack the Followers. Add to that the Champion of Bone Unit Attachment that grants restored Wounds to the unit whenever an enemy fails a Panic Test when engaged with them, and the Followers can be a very durable unit, indeed.
Song of Ice & Fire: Greyjoy Blacktyde Chosen
When people along the coast see the banner of the Kraken, they pray that the Blacktyde Chosen aren’t the ones coming ashore. Not your average raider, the Blacktyde Chosen are kitted out in more sturdy armor, large round shields, and armed with master crafted axes. Their extensive training means they can take charge of a situation, no matter what it is. The Blacktyde Chosen unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Greyjoy players a robust unit for their armies. The unit’s extensive training with their master crafted axes means they can cut apart enemy forces with ease. And their resiliency can see them coming back time and again, even if an opponent once counted them out. Plus, they care nothing for the spoils of war, letting other Greyjoy units collect the loot.
Song of Ice & Fire: Targaryen Unsullied Pikemen
The great houses in Westeros are used to certain doctrines when it comes to warfare. But elsewhere, many other styles and strategies are utilized. In the Old Empire of Ghis, the Unsullied Pikemen are an elite unit that, while they don’t wear the heavy armor of many units from across the sea, they are every bit as defensive. Marching in lock step with their shields forming a formidable shield wall, they can form a strong middle to any battle line. The Unsullied Pikemen unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Targaryen players a strong, central unit for their armies. The unit might not have the thickest armor, but their training with their shields and pikes makes them a tough nut to crack for enemy forces. Once set in place, the Unsullied Pikemen will be nigh-impossible to fight off of an objective.
Song of Ice & Fire: Night's Watch Heroes Box 2
The Night’s Watch is meant to be a sworn brotherhood of warriors, one force against the dangers that lurk beyond The Wall. But the reality is that many of the strong personalities leading the organization also create divides and mini-factions within the group. While this inner strife can cause some tension, in the end, everyone there knows that it’s their duty to protect Westeros from danger.
Song of Ice & Fire: Targaryen Unsullied Swordmasters
The Unsullied have one of the most difficult training regimens of any unit. Only about one in three survives to the end. However, those that do are swordsmen of unparalleled skill. Though they look slight compared to most western swordsmen, that does not mean they’re not as strong or effective on the battlefield. When joined with an officer, their skills are only enhanced, trading blow-for-blow with any foe. The Unsullied Swordsmen unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Targaryen players an effective melee unit on the field. Their melee attacks hit at the weak points in enemy armor, granting numerous bonuses when they strike. The Officer Unit Attachment adds to their strengths, trading wounds with the enemy when being attacked, making this unit able to dish out wounds both when attacking and on the defensive.
Song of Ice & Fire: Greyjoy Ironmakers
House Greyjoy isn’t entirely concerned with taking the Iron Throne during the latest war in Westeros. However, they’re certainly going to take the opportunity to utilize the chaos it causes to improve their station. Their history of pillaging and plundering has simply moved further inland from the coast. The Ironborn Trappers are key in this strategy. The Ironborn Trappers Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Greyjoy players a dedicated flanking unit for their forces. These quick troopers use their nets and barbed pikes with great efficiency, tripping up the enemy and causing nasty wounds. And the unit only gets better as they take out opposing forces. Enemies may soon find themselves in complete disarray when a unit of Trappers is around.
Song of Ice & Fire: Night's Watch Builder Crossbowmen
The Builders are the designers, engineers, and craftsmen that keep the Night’s Watch stocked with arms and armor, as well as create and maintain the siege weapons along The Wall. But everyone in the Night’s Watch must be ready to take up arms when a threat to Westeros appears, including the Builders. The Builder Crossbowmen unit box gives Night’s Watch commanders a dedicated ranged unit for their forces. Not very swift and lacking heavy armor, the Crossbowmen are still capable of dishing out damage at a distance. Their regular attacks have Sundering, meaning that they can easily pierce enemy armor, while their Order allows them to get a free attack on any enemy foolish enough to try and charge them.
Song of Ice & Fire: Stark Mormont Bruisers
The House Mormont Bruisers Unit Box for House Stark in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives players a rough and tumble melee unit for their forces. They eschew heavy armor and shields in exchange for raw attacking power, enough that their ferocity even shows through when defending. Their light shields are equipped with a punching spike, letting them be on the offensive even when on the defensive. Enemies must be wary of missed attacks when going after the Bruisers.
Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon R'hllor Faithful
The R’hllor Faithful bring their conviction in their god to the battlefield in service of Stannis Baratheon. These holy warriors anoint their blades in sacred oils and set them alight, causing vicious wounds with each slash. Whenever their faith is tested, they only become more deadly to the enemy. Accompanied to battle by a Red Priestess, a unit of R’hllor Faithful is ready to stand against any foe. The R’hllor Faithful unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Baratheon players a new, faithful unit to add to their ranks. Their burning blades deal terrible wounds to enemy forces with each slash, going through armor easily. The unit can also gain Faith tokens for passing Morale tests, letting them gain access to new special abilities during the fight. The unit comes with the Red Priestess unit attachment, who can send terror through enemy ranks.
Song of Ice & Fire: Free Folk Thenn Warriors
Most of the Free Folk’s forces arm and armor themselves with whatever they can craft along the way to battle or steal off of their fallen enemies. The Thenn Warriors are different. They have forged their own bronze weapons and armor, making them the most heavily-armed troops in the Free Folk army. While their equipment might not stand up to the castle-forged steel of the southern forces, it fares better than leather and fur shirts. The Thenn Warriors unit box gives Free Folk commanders their arguably hardiest troops on the battlefield. Their increased armor has given them a sense of invulnerability, calling out Taunts to their enemies, causing charges to be targeted at them instead of other units. They also benefit from Set Defense, which means they ignore penalties from being charged, or attacked in the flank or rear. Coming with the unit is the Chosen of Styr Unit Attachment, whose Intimidating presence causes an enemy to become Weakened when they activate.
Song of Ice & Fire: Neutral Heroes #1
One thing remains true for the unaligned forces in the War of the Five Kings, whether they’re fighting for coin, self-interest, or simple survival, they always remain true to themselves. They are a wild card that can be added to any army in the game. Some Heroes, like Roose Bolton and Ramsay Snow, are most at home on the battlefield alongside their men. Others, such as Petyr Baelish and Lord Varys, like to manipulate the situation behind-the-scenes. The Neutral Heroes set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game comes with everything a Commander needs to introduce some unknown elements into the war for the fate of Westeros.
Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Halberdiers
House Baratheon’s doctrine of heavy arms and heavier armor serves well to make their force into a walking fortress. Difficult to assault and deadly to ignore, enemies find themselves in a conundrum, particularly against lines incorporating Halberdiers. The traditional weakness against cavalry shared by most infantry is nullified. Further, a cavalry or flanking force that hesitates in their charge against the Baratheon lines opens themselves up to weaknesses that a good commander can exploit. Many creative means of destroying the enemy become available to commanders that employ Halberdiers in their composition. VANGUARD DEFENDERS: Bolster your House Baratheon army with the formidable Baratheon Halberdiers unit. HIGHLY DETAILED MINIATURES: Exquisite pre-assembled miniatures, ready for immediate play and customization. WALKING FORTRESS: House Baratheon's heavy arms and armor doctrine creates an unassailable force. CAVALRY NEUTRALIZERS: Nullify the traditional weakness against cavalry with the deadly Halberdiers. TACTICAL ADVANTAGE: Exploit creative means to destroy enemies with this versatile unit in your composition.
Song of Ice & Fire: Neutral Bloody Mummer Zorse Riders
To stand out among all the different mercenary companies in Westeros, one must get creative. For the Bloody Mummers, they have decided that every aspect of their look must be as flamboyant as possible. That doesn’t just mean bright clothing for themselves, but even to the animals that they ride in combat. Not content with the various horse breeds, they have instead opted to ride zorses, a combination of a horse and a zebra. The Bloody Mummers Zorse Riders unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives commanders a bright new cavalry unit to use in combat. Being a Neutral unit, they can be taken by most commanders. The Zorse Riders are masters at flanking maneuvers. When catching an enemy in the side or rear, they get several different bonuses, both offensively and defensively, potentially ruining an enemy’s plans before they even begin.
Song of Ice & Fire: Free Folk Heroes Box 3
The Free Folk are a conglomerate group, consisting of many different northern tribes. Though they don’t all share the same ideologies or faiths, they do all have a shared goal: making a name and home for themselves in the southern parts of Westeros. Standing out from the average clansman are formidable adversaries, such as Barroq, a beast of a man who travels with his equally beastly Boar. The Great Walrus is well known for his skills in negotiation. And possibly most famous of all, Jon Snow seeks out his true destiny along the winding path that fate has taken him. Abel, the Bard, and his wife Dalla, make sure to sing their praises. These are but some of the individuals that have made a distinct name for themselves among the many faceless peoples of the Free Folk.
Song of Ice & Fire: Stark Heroes 3
House Stark is the last major House in Westeros’ northern reaches. The strong people of Winterfell are always prepared, the core of which is a tight-knit family, surrounded by many faithful bannermen. The House has marched to war, led by Robb, the King in the North, as he seeks revenge on those for what has happened to his father, Ned, Hand of the King, in King’s Landing. He is joined by many, such as Maege and Lyanna Mormont, Brynden “Blackfish” Tully, and Rickard Karstark, all pledging themselves to the Stark’s cause. These hardy individuals will show that House Stark’s toughness against the cold shall spread to all corners of Westeros.