Tabletop Games | Pre-Orders
REDLINE: Core Set (Pre-Order)
This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of Q1 2025. Orders containing a pre-order item WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. Get ready for intense mech battles with the simplicity of card game mechanics! Required to play. Includes 2 60 card arsenal decks, 2 general cards, 20 card mission deck, 15 card critical hit deck, tokens and dice. Everything needed for 2 players to play out of the box!
REDLINE: Payday Shamrock Deck (Pre-Order)
This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of Q1 2025. Orders containing a pre-order item WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. Track down bounties and bring them in for rich rewards! New mercenary faction fights using luck and salvage strategies to carry the day. REDLINE: Payday Shamrock deck includes 60 card aresnal deck, 2 general cards and 3 mission cards. .
REDLINE: Battle of Neom Immortal Operation Deck (Pre-Order)
This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of Q1 2025. Orders containing a pre-order item WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. Destroy the city of Neom block by block no matter the cost to your own forces wit hthe CPM Immortal Operation deck. Immortal Operation deck includes 60 card arsenal deck, 2 general cards, and 3 mission cards.
REDLINE: Battle of Neom Precise Strike Deck (Pre-Order)
This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of Q1 2025. Orders containing a pre-order item WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. Fight to retake the city of Neom for the forces of the UNE as they use cover to spot enemies for devestaing strikes in combat. Precise Strike epxansion deck includes 60 card arsenal deck, 2 general cards, and 3 mission cards.
REDLINE: Payday Drihl Co Expansion Deck (Pre-Order)
This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of Q1 2025. Orders containing a pre-order item WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. Mine for valubale ore and use physical combat to protect your excavation zones! New industrial faction fights using mining efreets and their tools to inflictt damage through fighting in their quest to extract valuable ore. REDLINE: Payday Dril Co deck includes 60 card aresnal deck, 2 general cards and 3 mission cards.
REDLINE: Siege: Sapper deck (Pre-Order)
This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of Q1 2025. Orders containing a pre-order item WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. Lure your enemies into battle then overwhelm them with deadly mines and swarming tactics to claim victory with the CPM Sapper deck! Sapper expasnion deck includes 60 card arsenal deck, 2 general cards, and 2 mission cards.
REDLINE: Siege: Siegecraft Deck (Pre-Order)
This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of Q1 2025. Orders containing a pre-order item WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. Lay siege to your enemies and gather valiable intel to grind out wins on the battlefield with the UNE Siegecraft deck! Siegecraft expasnion includes 60 card arsenal deck, 2 general cards, and 2 mission cards.
REDLINE: Payday Full Art Generals (Pre-Order)
This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of Q1 2025. Orders containing a pre-order item WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. Gorgeous and borderless alternate art versions of REDLINE: Payday Generals Dublin and Rebecca Smart to add some extra flair to your arsenal decks!
REDLINE: Payday Playmat (Pre-Order)
This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of Q1 2025. Orders containing a pre-order item WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. 26' by 12 1/2' REDLINE: Payday Scout For Cover playmat