Board Games | Pre-Orders
Point Galaxy (Pre-Order)
This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of 09/05/2025 Orders containing a pre-order items WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. From the team that brought you the smash hit card games Point Salad and Point City, Point Galaxy is a fast and fun card-drafting sequence-building game for the whole family! Rules are simple: Take any two cards from the dynamic market and add them to your expanding galaxy. As you place cards, create solar systems by arranging planets in numeric order and earn bonuses by collecting suns, asteroids, moons, rockets, and research projects to score the most points! There are over 140 unique double-sided planet/space cards, so you can create a completely different galaxy each and every time you play! Point Galaxy takes the same simple concept of drafting cards and building the best combinations, and adds new layers of sequence building, set collection, and racing towards objectives to the mix - making the game easy to learn, but challenging for everyone!
IVION: The Noose & The Goose (Pre-Order)
This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of 2025. Orders containing a pre-order items WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. Ivion combines the intensity of a fighting game with the strategy of deck-building card games to create an experience unlike any other. In Ivion, your deck IS your character, and you build it from a variety of classes and specializations. Each character type has numerous cards from which to choose, along with wildly different playstyles. Mix and match them to create your own, unique character! THE EXECUTIONER delivers heads for the Baron. By decree, the townsfolk gather to watch his handiwork. The condemned, however, has broken free. And it's laughing at him. He whets his axe; it will start shrieking soon enough. THE POACHER only follows the laws he can read. As he puts it, can't none get the rule outta him to save the king, mind. Not so. He just live by his code, skin the deer and sell the pelts for shoes, snacks, and trap stuff. Now that's make sense, traps... Couldn't even say how many he hid all about the Kingswood. Might as well be the Trapswood even. This new headsman tho got weird. Couldn't as fun to escape from as the last one. Too stiff to fluster. Nothing a log to the face won't do in though.
IVION: The Falcon & The Snake (Pre-Order)
This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of 2025. Orders containing a pre-order items WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. Ivion combines the intensity of a fighting game with the strategy of deck-building card games to create an experience unlike any other. In Ivion, your deck IS your character, and you build it from a variety of classes and specializations. Each character type has numerous cards from which to choose, along with wildly different playstyles. Mix and match them to create your own, unique character! THE FLETCHER is a force to be reckoned with - her keen eye and steady hand make her a master archer, feared by foes and beloved by allies. From tourney to tourney, she travels the realm, winning over the hearts of the people with her exploits and undeniable charm. When the Baron commits his latest act of villainy, she knows that target practice is over. With bow in hand and arrowheads at the ready, she sets out to deliver a message the Baron won't soon forget. THE BARON has earned every scrap of power he clutches. His tactics are as slimy as they are effective - lying, thieving, poisoning - everything must be on or under the table if he wants to sit at the head of it. He didn’t write the rules; he simply realized there are none. After his most recent power grab, one of the peasantry seems to be more agitated than usual… but that’s nothing he can’t smooth over with one of his special glasses of wine.
IVION: The Bear & The Badger (Pre-Order)
This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of 2025. Orders containing a pre-order items WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. Ivion combines the intensity of a fighting game with the strategy of deck-building card games to create an experience unlike any other. In Ivion, your deck IS your character, and you build it from a variety of classes and specializations. Each character type has numerous cards from which to choose, along with wildly different playstyles. Mix and match them to create your own, unique character! THE RUFFIAN tumbles through life, never staying anywhere too long. In her wake, she leaves behind broken jaws, empty purses, and filled hearses. Instead of working for her coin like an ordinary sap, she'll get hers with a growl, grab, and a club to the gut. THE FRIAR roams the countryside, bringing aid and cheer. He claims the Lady herself guides his humble path, though if that's true, she seems to have a soft spot for taverns. He’s not versed in violence, but he does believe in beginner’s luck.
Propolis (Pre-Order)
This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of 09/05/2025 Orders containing a pre-order items WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. Propolis is a worker-placement, engine-building, area-control, and tableau-building game for 1-4 players. Players take on the role of competing medieval bee colonies and take turns deploying worker bees to collect pollen, fortify their positions, and construct their hives to appease their queen and become the most glorious in the land! As bees compete over the realm's floral landscapes, they will be collecting pollen to create the propolis they need to build their hives. Attaining dominance in different realms provides additional glory and building materials. As hives expand, new structures provide additional resources, new scoring opportunities, and the prerequisites to construct a glorious palace for the queen. The player who dominates the realm and builds the most prestigious home wins. From the team that brought you Calico, Cascadia, and Point Salad, this small box worker placement game is the perfect introduction to new gamers, but has enough strategic depth to be challenging for everyone!