Board Games | New Releases
Summit Teams
The Teams expansion will allow players to enjoy Summit in either the competitive or Cooperative mode while working together with a teammate. No longer a straight take-that or survival game, players will have to plan and work together to make sure their flag remains planted at the Summit, and at least one lives to tell the tale. With new player boards, cards (Item, Event and Karma), and square "climbing ladder" tiles, the Teams expansion is guaranteed to add more depth of strategy, player interaction and more stories you will never forget.
Rem Racers
REM Racers is a 2-5 players fun Remotes racing game for the whole family, set in Infinity’s sci-fi Universe. Drivers will try to cross the finish line and stay in the lead while surviving the attacks of their rivals. Using movement templates and equipment cards they will try to push the other vehicles off the track and avoid being destroyed themselves. Each player will take the role of a racer and operate their controller with the control pad. Each remote has its own stats and special abilities. In addition, all racers have access to equipment cards with weapons to create chaos on the track. Speed and adrenaline are the protagonists of the race! Strategies will be pushed to the limit and only the driver with the sharpest mind will come out on top!