Board Games | New Releases
Far to the north, in a remote winter land, rivers are frozen most of the year. When the villages along the riverside eventually are accessible, a small river cruise company offers exotic tours like polar bear safaris, reindeer trips, ice fishing, and more. Lucky tourists may even get a chance to see the northern lights. You work as a tour guide trying to attract tourists to your guide boats for spectacular excursions. Riverside is a different kind of roll-and-write game: The game comes with a modular game board, which composes the route for the game. On a river cruise boat, everyone follows the same route, but you can take your tourists on different tours. You may plan ahead, but beware, the dice may force you to change your plans. You start each round by rolling dice into a common pool. Simultaneously, each player chooses one die of one specific color (without physically taking it) and fill seats on the matching guiding boat on their own player sheet. Whenever they have completed a row of seats, they have sold a group ticket of the corresponding color (excursion). The longer the row, the more points they get. Additionally, this ticket is valid for the remainder of the game: Every time they go on an excursion in a village of this color, they take this group with them to earn even more points. The player with the most points wins the game. Each dice color represents tourists with a preference for one specific type of excursion. The transparent green die is "wild" and represents the northern lights, something everyone wants to see. Riverside offers tough decision-making within a short playing time: Some rows are short with low points and bonuses, while other rows are long with higher points and bonuses. Which one do you start to fill? Within each guide boat, you need to score higher and higher, so taking too many tourists on your first excursions could be fateful. Players are rewarded if they manage to please all five kinds of tourists, so maybe you need to score a new color instead of scoring really high in another color? Higher dice represent tourists who are freezing and cost fire symbols to get. Note that the "wild" green die always costs fire symbols to get! You have a limited number of fire symbols to use, so when will be the right time to use them?
Caper Cards: Bells Hells
In this cooperative card game, assemble the Bells Hells adventuring party of Critical Role Campaign 3 to pull off a daring heist. You’ll aim to play your Crew cards strategically as a team, hoping to exceed the value of the treasure you’re pursuing without going over 21. Each Crew card bears gorgeous art of the teammate, the card’s numerical value, and an ability, such as Chetney’s ability to be played as either a 6 or a 9. Play is quick, with gameplay lasting around 20 minutes, and you can play it with up to 4 players, including a solo mode. The game comes in a compact box containing 24 Crew Cards (3 of each member of Bells Hells), 1 Risk Card, 10 unique Reward Cards, and a Player 1 Marker Card. With these cards, players can work together to plan and execute their heist.
In Dreams
In Dreams is a slightly surreal storytelling game for one, which uses vivid imagery and evocative prompts to immerse you in a dreamworld you wouldn’t have otherwise imagined. In this storytelling solo game, the player writes a story in which a character in a dreamworld must complete a specific goal before waking. The player begins by drawing cards to create a randomized character with a starting temperament. Card draws will also determine the goal the character must achieve by the dream's end in order for the player to win. Storytelling then begins by drawings cards to create an Encounter. An Encounter consists of 2-4 short prompts as well as a location. All Encounter cards include surreal artwork to help inspire fresh and creative interpretations each game. The player must immediately write about the generated Encounter, including all of the prompts and the location while attempting to move the character closer to their goal. Some Encounters will prompt the player to generate an Event. Two cards from the Event deck will determine what is happening as well as the tone. These cards too include surreal artwork for inspiration. Events are resolved in the same manner as Encounters. The game continues, with the player drawing and resolving Encounters and Events through storytelling until the character's goal is met.
Miller Zoo
ily game where you play as the team in charge of running one of Canada’s most interesting zoos! Your job is to work together to take care of your zoo’s animals, and to welcome new ones to their new home. Like a team, everyone plays together at the same time to overcome challenges, unexpected situations, and crises. Play as the real Miller Zoo team and meet all the animal's needs before the card stack is empty.A game follows 4 steps in order: dawn, morning, afternoon, and evening. ● At dawn, each teammate draws a hand of 4 resource cards.● In the morning, each teammate draws a need card and places problem tokens on the animals according to the cards.● In the afternoon, all teammates are free to play their cards in any order.● In the evening, the team will have to manage crises according to the problems that could not be solved during the afternoon. The game contains 6 envelopes to discover, with new animals, new challenges to make the game evolve.
The Gig
In "The Gig", players are members of a jazz group, improvising their way through a song, vying for the spotlight and trying to please the audience whilst working up mind-blowing solos! Boasting a unique theme, mechanics, and simple 'pick up and play' rules, The Gig is a one-of-a-kind game with a tonne of replay-ability (11 instruments, 15 songs, 30 setlists, modular rules and a solo mode by Dávid Turczi!) to keep you coming back for another jam session!
Yomi: Gwen Deck
Yomi (second edition) updates the original Yomi game with slight rule modifications and balance tweaks, in addition to adding ten new characters. Yomi is a fighting game in card form in which physical dexterity is replaced by hand management skills. Just like in a fighting game, you have to know your character, know the matchup, and know your opponent. Each character has a deck that follows the same conventions as deck of playing cards. This makes it easy to learn the contents of your deck: numbered cards are normal moves, face cards are special moves, and aces are super moves. Yomi is a competitive card game specifically designed and balanced to hold up to tournament play with many years of playtesting and tournaments behind it. It tests the skills of valuation and Yomi. Valuation refers to your ability to judge the relative value of moves (or cards) as they change over the course of the game. Yomi, the game's title, refers to your ability to "read" the patterns that your opponent unconsciously falls into. It's designed for high level play to be as interesting as possible and as balanced as possible. Game Modes 1v1, the main mode 2v2 Team Battle, inspired by video games such as Marvel vs Capcom A solo mode to learn basic proficiency against an automated opponent A 3v3 mode (can be played as 1v1 with multiple characters) inspired by video games such as King of Fighters Gameplay Each player shuffles their deck and draws an opening hand of seven cards. Turns are simultaneous and players draw one card per turn. Each player plays a combat card face down, then reveals the cards simultaneously. Resolve combat. Blocking an attack lets you draw a card; hitting with an attack or throw allows you to combo more cards from your hand; dodging an attack lets you hit back with a single move. Bluff phase. After it's resolved who won combat, but before any combos are played, the player who might get hit by a combo can play a facedown Joker or bluff card. After the attacker finishes their combo, reveal that facedown card. If it's a Joker, the combo does no damage. If it's a non-Joker card, the combo does full damage as usual. Power up: Players can discard pairs, 3-of-a-kinds, or 4-of-a-kinds to search their decks for Aces (super moves). Also, if they performed any chain combos (straights of sequential normal attacks, such as a 2,3,4,5) that turn, they can also search for Aces. The game ends when one player is reduced to 0 life, or when one player draws the last card of their deck. In that case, time is out and the player with the highest life wins.
Yomi: Valerie Deck
Yomi (second edition) updates the original Yomi game with slight rule modifications and balance tweaks, in addition to adding ten new characters. Yomi is a fighting game in card form in which physical dexterity is replaced by hand management skills. Just like in a fighting game, you have to know your character, know the matchup, and know your opponent. Each character has a deck that follows the same conventions as deck of playing cards. This makes it easy to learn the contents of your deck: numbered cards are normal moves, face cards are special moves, and aces are super moves. Yomi is a competitive card game specifically designed and balanced to hold up to tournament play with many years of playtesting and tournaments behind it. It tests the skills of valuation and Yomi. Valuation refers to your ability to judge the relative value of moves (or cards) as they change over the course of the game. Yomi, the game's title, refers to your ability to "read" the patterns that your opponent unconsciously falls into. It's designed for high level play to be as interesting as possible and as balanced as possible. Game Modes 1v1, the main mode 2v2 Team Battle, inspired by video games such as Marvel vs Capcom A solo mode to learn basic proficiency against an automated opponent A 3v3 mode (can be played as 1v1 with multiple characters) inspired by video games such as King of Fighters Gameplay Each player shuffles their deck and draws an opening hand of seven cards. Turns are simultaneous and players draw one card per turn. Each player plays a combat card face down, then reveals the cards simultaneously. Resolve combat. Blocking an attack lets you draw a card; hitting with an attack or throw allows you to combo more cards from your hand; dodging an attack lets you hit back with a single move. Bluff phase. After it's resolved who won combat, but before any combos are played, the player who might get hit by a combo can play a facedown Joker or bluff card. After the attacker finishes their combo, reveal that facedown card. If it's a Joker, the combo does no damage. If it's a non-Joker card, the combo does full damage as usual. Power up: Players can discard pairs, 3-of-a-kinds, or 4-of-a-kinds to search their decks for Aces (super moves). Also, if they performed any chain combos (straights of sequential normal attacks, such as a 2,3,4,5) that turn, they can also search for Aces. The game ends when one player is reduced to 0 life, or when one player draws the last card of their deck. In that case, time is out and the player with the highest life wins.
Yomi: Geiger Deck
Yomi (second edition) updates the original Yomi game with slight rule modifications and balance tweaks, in addition to adding ten new characters. Yomi is a fighting game in card form in which physical dexterity is replaced by hand management skills. Just like in a fighting game, you have to know your character, know the matchup, and know your opponent. Each character has a deck that follows the same conventions as deck of playing cards. This makes it easy to learn the contents of your deck: numbered cards are normal moves, face cards are special moves, and aces are super moves. Yomi is a competitive card game specifically designed and balanced to hold up to tournament play with many years of playtesting and tournaments behind it. It tests the skills of valuation and Yomi. Valuation refers to your ability to judge the relative value of moves (or cards) as they change over the course of the game. Yomi, the game's title, refers to your ability to "read" the patterns that your opponent unconsciously falls into. It's designed for high level play to be as interesting as possible and as balanced as possible. Game Modes 1v1, the main mode 2v2 Team Battle, inspired by video games such as Marvel vs Capcom A solo mode to learn basic proficiency against an automated opponent A 3v3 mode (can be played as 1v1 with multiple characters) inspired by video games such as King of Fighters Gameplay Each player shuffles their deck and draws an opening hand of seven cards. Turns are simultaneous and players draw one card per turn. Each player plays a combat card face down, then reveals the cards simultaneously. Resolve combat. Blocking an attack lets you draw a card; hitting with an attack or throw allows you to combo more cards from your hand; dodging an attack lets you hit back with a single move. Bluff phase. After it's resolved who won combat, but before any combos are played, the player who might get hit by a combo can play a facedown Joker or bluff card. After the attacker finishes their combo, reveal that facedown card. If it's a Joker, the combo does no damage. If it's a non-Joker card, the combo does full damage as usual. Power up: Players can discard pairs, 3-of-a-kinds, or 4-of-a-kinds to search their decks for Aces (super moves). Also, if they performed any chain combos (straights of sequential normal attacks, such as a 2,3,4,5) that turn, they can also search for Aces. The game ends when one player is reduced to 0 life, or when one player draws the last card of their deck. In that case, time is out and the player with the highest life wins.
Yomi: Degrey Deck
Yomi (second edition) updates the original Yomi game with slight rule modifications and balance tweaks, in addition to adding ten new characters. Yomi is a fighting game in card form in which physical dexterity is replaced by hand management skills. Just like in a fighting game, you have to know your character, know the matchup, and know your opponent. Each character has a deck that follows the same conventions as deck of playing cards. This makes it easy to learn the contents of your deck: numbered cards are normal moves, face cards are special moves, and aces are super moves. Yomi is a competitive card game specifically designed and balanced to hold up to tournament play with many years of playtesting and tournaments behind it. It tests the skills of valuation and Yomi. Valuation refers to your ability to judge the relative value of moves (or cards) as they change over the course of the game. Yomi, the game's title, refers to your ability to "read" the patterns that your opponent unconsciously falls into. It's designed for high level play to be as interesting as possible and as balanced as possible. Game Modes 1v1, the main mode 2v2 Team Battle, inspired by video games such as Marvel vs Capcom A solo mode to learn basic proficiency against an automated opponent A 3v3 mode (can be played as 1v1 with multiple characters) inspired by video games such as King of Fighters Gameplay Each player shuffles their deck and draws an opening hand of seven cards. Turns are simultaneous and players draw one card per turn. Each player plays a combat card face down, then reveals the cards simultaneously. Resolve combat. Blocking an attack lets you draw a card; hitting with an attack or throw allows you to combo more cards from your hand; dodging an attack lets you hit back with a single move. Bluff phase. After it's resolved who won combat, but before any combos are played, the player who might get hit by a combo can play a facedown Joker or bluff card. After the attacker finishes their combo, reveal that facedown card. If it's a Joker, the combo does no damage. If it's a non-Joker card, the combo does full damage as usual. Power up: Players can discard pairs, 3-of-a-kinds, or 4-of-a-kinds to search their decks for Aces (super moves). Also, if they performed any chain combos (straights of sequential normal attacks, such as a 2,3,4,5) that turn, they can also search for Aces. The game ends when one player is reduced to 0 life, or when one player draws the last card of their deck. In that case, time is out and the player with the highest life wins.
Globetrotting is a game about traveling the world. Players plan three epic trips to take over the next year. It’ll take careful planning to achieve all your travel goals while staying under budget.Each round, three Destination cards are revealed. Each player simultaneously selects one Destination and adds it to one of their three trips by drawing the travel route on their own globe. The globe stands have a built-in circular ruler to measure the distance (and cost) of each flight. The further you fly, the more expensive the trip. Score by accomplishing objectives on your Bucket List cards, by coordinating plans with your neighbors to meet up in the same place at the same time, and by racing to complete the Global Objectives.
Yomi: Rook Deck
Yomi (second edition) updates the original Yomi game with slight rule modifications and balance tweaks, in addition to adding ten new characters. Yomi is a fighting game in card form in which physical dexterity is replaced by hand management skills. Just like in a fighting game, you have to know your character, know the matchup, and know your opponent. Each character has a deck that follows the same conventions as deck of playing cards. This makes it easy to learn the contents of your deck: numbered cards are normal moves, face cards are special moves, and aces are super moves. Yomi is a competitive card game specifically designed and balanced to hold up to tournament play with many years of playtesting and tournaments behind it. It tests the skills of valuation and Yomi. Valuation refers to your ability to judge the relative value of moves (or cards) as they change over the course of the game. Yomi, the game's title, refers to your ability to "read" the patterns that your opponent unconsciously falls into. It's designed for high level play to be as interesting as possible and as balanced as possible. Game Modes 1v1, the main mode 2v2 Team Battle, inspired by video games such as Marvel vs Capcom A solo mode to learn basic proficiency against an automated opponent A 3v3 mode (can be played as 1v1 with multiple characters) inspired by video games such as King of Fighters Gameplay Each player shuffles their deck and draws an opening hand of seven cards. Turns are simultaneous and players draw one card per turn. Each player plays a combat card face down, then reveals the cards simultaneously. Resolve combat. Blocking an attack lets you draw a card; hitting with an attack or throw allows you to combo more cards from your hand; dodging an attack lets you hit back with a single move. Bluff phase. After it's resolved who won combat, but before any combos are played, the player who might get hit by a combo can play a facedown Joker or bluff card. After the attacker finishes their combo, reveal that facedown card. If it's a Joker, the combo does no damage. If it's a non-Joker card, the combo does full damage as usual. Power up: Players can discard pairs, 3-of-a-kinds, or 4-of-a-kinds to search their decks for Aces (super moves). Also, if they performed any chain combos (straights of sequential normal attacks, such as a 2,3,4,5) that turn, they can also search for Aces. The game ends when one player is reduced to 0 life, or when one player draws the last card of their deck. In that case, time is out and the player with the highest life wins.
Yomi: Zane Deck
Yomi (second edition) updates the original Yomi game with slight rule modifications and balance tweaks, in addition to adding ten new characters. Yomi is a fighting game in card form in which physical dexterity is replaced by hand management skills. Just like in a fighting game, you have to know your character, know the matchup, and know your opponent. Each character has a deck that follows the same conventions as deck of playing cards. This makes it easy to learn the contents of your deck: numbered cards are normal moves, face cards are special moves, and aces are super moves. Yomi is a competitive card game specifically designed and balanced to hold up to tournament play with many years of playtesting and tournaments behind it. It tests the skills of valuation and Yomi. Valuation refers to your ability to judge the relative value of moves (or cards) as they change over the course of the game. Yomi, the game's title, refers to your ability to "read" the patterns that your opponent unconsciously falls into. It's designed for high level play to be as interesting as possible and as balanced as possible. Game Modes 1v1, the main mode 2v2 Team Battle, inspired by video games such as Marvel vs Capcom A solo mode to learn basic proficiency against an automated opponent A 3v3 mode (can be played as 1v1 with multiple characters) inspired by video games such as King of Fighters Gameplay Each player shuffles their deck and draws an opening hand of seven cards. Turns are simultaneous and players draw one card per turn. Each player plays a combat card face down, then reveals the cards simultaneously. Resolve combat. Blocking an attack lets you draw a card; hitting with an attack or throw allows you to combo more cards from your hand; dodging an attack lets you hit back with a single move. Bluff phase. After it's resolved who won combat, but before any combos are played, the player who might get hit by a combo can play a facedown Joker or bluff card. After the attacker finishes their combo, reveal that facedown card. If it's a Joker, the combo does no damage. If it's a non-Joker card, the combo does full damage as usual. Power up: Players can discard pairs, 3-of-a-kinds, or 4-of-a-kinds to search their decks for Aces (super moves). Also, if they performed any chain combos (straights of sequential normal attacks, such as a 2,3,4,5) that turn, they can also search for Aces. The game ends when one player is reduced to 0 life, or when one player draws the last card of their deck. In that case, time is out and the player with the highest life wins.
Yomi: Persephone Deck
Yomi (second edition) updates the original Yomi game with slight rule modifications and balance tweaks, in addition to adding ten new characters. Yomi is a fighting game in card form in which physical dexterity is replaced by hand management skills. Just like in a fighting game, you have to know your character, know the matchup, and know your opponent. Each character has a deck that follows the same conventions as deck of playing cards. This makes it easy to learn the contents of your deck: numbered cards are normal moves, face cards are special moves, and aces are super moves. Yomi is a competitive card game specifically designed and balanced to hold up to tournament play with many years of playtesting and tournaments behind it. It tests the skills of valuation and Yomi. Valuation refers to your ability to judge the relative value of moves (or cards) as they change over the course of the game. Yomi, the game's title, refers to your ability to "read" the patterns that your opponent unconsciously falls into. It's designed for high level play to be as interesting as possible and as balanced as possible. Game Modes 1v1, the main mode 2v2 Team Battle, inspired by video games such as Marvel vs Capcom A solo mode to learn basic proficiency against an automated opponent A 3v3 mode (can be played as 1v1 with multiple characters) inspired by video games such as King of Fighters Gameplay Each player shuffles their deck and draws an opening hand of seven cards. Turns are simultaneous and players draw one card per turn. Each player plays a combat card face down, then reveals the cards simultaneously. Resolve combat. Blocking an attack lets you draw a card; hitting with an attack or throw allows you to combo more cards from your hand; dodging an attack lets you hit back with a single move. Bluff phase. After it's resolved who won combat, but before any combos are played, the player who might get hit by a combo can play a facedown Joker or bluff card. After the attacker finishes their combo, reveal that facedown card. If it's a Joker, the combo does no damage. If it's a non-Joker card, the combo does full damage as usual. Power up: Players can discard pairs, 3-of-a-kinds, or 4-of-a-kinds to search their decks for Aces (super moves). Also, if they performed any chain combos (straights of sequential normal attacks, such as a 2,3,4,5) that turn, they can also search for Aces. The game ends when one player is reduced to 0 life, or when one player draws the last card of their deck. In that case, time is out and the player with the highest life wins.
Yomi: Menelker Deck
Yomi (second edition) updates the original Yomi game with slight rule modifications and balance tweaks, in addition to adding ten new characters. Yomi is a fighting game in card form in which physical dexterity is replaced by hand management skills. Just like in a fighting game, you have to know your character, know the matchup, and know your opponent. Each character has a deck that follows the same conventions as deck of playing cards. This makes it easy to learn the contents of your deck: numbered cards are normal moves, face cards are special moves, and aces are super moves. Yomi is a competitive card game specifically designed and balanced to hold up to tournament play with many years of playtesting and tournaments behind it. It tests the skills of valuation and Yomi. Valuation refers to your ability to judge the relative value of moves (or cards) as they change over the course of the game. Yomi, the game's title, refers to your ability to "read" the patterns that your opponent unconsciously falls into. It's designed for high level play to be as interesting as possible and as balanced as possible. Game Modes 1v1, the main mode 2v2 Team Battle, inspired by video games such as Marvel vs Capcom A solo mode to learn basic proficiency against an automated opponent A 3v3 mode (can be played as 1v1 with multiple characters) inspired by video games such as King of Fighters Gameplay Each player shuffles their deck and draws an opening hand of seven cards. Turns are simultaneous and players draw one card per turn. Each player plays a combat card face down, then reveals the cards simultaneously. Resolve combat. Blocking an attack lets you draw a card; hitting with an attack or throw allows you to combo more cards from your hand; dodging an attack lets you hit back with a single move. Bluff phase. After it's resolved who won combat, but before any combos are played, the player who might get hit by a combo can play a facedown Joker or bluff card. After the attacker finishes their combo, reveal that facedown card. If it's a Joker, the combo does no damage. If it's a non-Joker card, the combo does full damage as usual. Power up: Players can discard pairs, 3-of-a-kinds, or 4-of-a-kinds to search their decks for Aces (super moves). Also, if they performed any chain combos (straights of sequential normal attacks, such as a 2,3,4,5) that turn, they can also search for Aces. The game ends when one player is reduced to 0 life, or when one player draws the last card of their deck. In that case, time is out and the player with the highest life wins.
Yomi: Lum Deck
Yomi (second edition) updates the original Yomi game with slight rule modifications and balance tweaks, in addition to adding ten new characters. Yomi is a fighting game in card form in which physical dexterity is replaced by hand management skills. Just like in a fighting game, you have to know your character, know the matchup, and know your opponent. Each character has a deck that follows the same conventions as deck of playing cards. This makes it easy to learn the contents of your deck: numbered cards are normal moves, face cards are special moves, and aces are super moves. Yomi is a competitive card game specifically designed and balanced to hold up to tournament play with many years of playtesting and tournaments behind it. It tests the skills of valuation and Yomi. Valuation refers to your ability to judge the relative value of moves (or cards) as they change over the course of the game. Yomi, the game's title, refers to your ability to "read" the patterns that your opponent unconsciously falls into. It's designed for high level play to be as interesting as possible and as balanced as possible. Game Modes 1v1, the main mode 2v2 Team Battle, inspired by video games such as Marvel vs Capcom A solo mode to learn basic proficiency against an automated opponent A 3v3 mode (can be played as 1v1 with multiple characters) inspired by video games such as King of Fighters Gameplay Each player shuffles their deck and draws an opening hand of seven cards. Turns are simultaneous and players draw one card per turn. Each player plays a combat card face down, then reveals the cards simultaneously. Resolve combat. Blocking an attack lets you draw a card; hitting with an attack or throw allows you to combo more cards from your hand; dodging an attack lets you hit back with a single move. Bluff phase. After it's resolved who won combat, but before any combos are played, the player who might get hit by a combo can play a facedown Joker or bluff card. After the attacker finishes their combo, reveal that facedown card. If it's a Joker, the combo does no damage. If it's a non-Joker card, the combo does full damage as usual. Power up: Players can discard pairs, 3-of-a-kinds, or 4-of-a-kinds to search their decks for Aces (super moves). Also, if they performed any chain combos (straights of sequential normal attacks, such as a 2,3,4,5) that turn, they can also search for Aces. The game ends when one player is reduced to 0 life, or when one player draws the last card of their deck. In that case, time is out and the player with the highest life wins.
Yomi: Vendetta Deck
Yomi (second edition) updates the original Yomi game with slight rule modifications and balance tweaks, in addition to adding ten new characters. Yomi is a fighting game in card form in which physical dexterity is replaced by hand management skills. Just like in a fighting game, you have to know your character, know the matchup, and know your opponent. Each character has a deck that follows the same conventions as deck of playing cards. This makes it easy to learn the contents of your deck: numbered cards are normal moves, face cards are special moves, and aces are super moves. Yomi is a competitive card game specifically designed and balanced to hold up to tournament play with many years of playtesting and tournaments behind it. It tests the skills of valuation and Yomi. Valuation refers to your ability to judge the relative value of moves (or cards) as they change over the course of the game. Yomi, the game's title, refers to your ability to "read" the patterns that your opponent unconsciously falls into. It's designed for high level play to be as interesting as possible and as balanced as possible. Game Modes 1v1, the main mode 2v2 Team Battle, inspired by video games such as Marvel vs Capcom A solo mode to learn basic proficiency against an automated opponent A 3v3 mode (can be played as 1v1 with multiple characters) inspired by video games such as King of Fighters Gameplay Each player shuffles their deck and draws an opening hand of seven cards. Turns are simultaneous and players draw one card per turn. Each player plays a combat card face down, then reveals the cards simultaneously. Resolve combat. Blocking an attack lets you draw a card; hitting with an attack or throw allows you to combo more cards from your hand; dodging an attack lets you hit back with a single move. Bluff phase. After it's resolved who won combat, but before any combos are played, the player who might get hit by a combo can play a facedown Joker or bluff card. After the attacker finishes their combo, reveal that facedown card. If it's a Joker, the combo does no damage. If it's a non-Joker card, the combo does full damage as usual. Power up: Players can discard pairs, 3-of-a-kinds, or 4-of-a-kinds to search their decks for Aces (super moves). Also, if they performed any chain combos (straights of sequential normal attacks, such as a 2,3,4,5) that turn, they can also search for Aces. The game ends when one player is reduced to 0 life, or when one player draws the last card of their deck. In that case, time is out and the player with the highest life wins.
Yomi: Gloria Deck
Yomi (second edition) updates the original Yomi game with slight rule modifications and balance tweaks, in addition to adding ten new characters. Yomi is a fighting game in card form in which physical dexterity is replaced by hand management skills. Just like in a fighting game, you have to know your character, know the matchup, and know your opponent. Each character has a deck that follows the same conventions as deck of playing cards. This makes it easy to learn the contents of your deck: numbered cards are normal moves, face cards are special moves, and aces are super moves. Yomi is a competitive card game specifically designed and balanced to hold up to tournament play with many years of playtesting and tournaments behind it. It tests the skills of valuation and Yomi. Valuation refers to your ability to judge the relative value of moves (or cards) as they change over the course of the game. Yomi, the game's title, refers to your ability to "read" the patterns that your opponent unconsciously falls into. It's designed for high level play to be as interesting as possible and as balanced as possible. Game Modes 1v1, the main mode 2v2 Team Battle, inspired by video games such as Marvel vs Capcom A solo mode to learn basic proficiency against an automated opponent A 3v3 mode (can be played as 1v1 with multiple characters) inspired by video games such as King of Fighters Gameplay Each player shuffles their deck and draws an opening hand of seven cards. Turns are simultaneous and players draw one card per turn. Each player plays a combat card face down, then reveals the cards simultaneously. Resolve combat. Blocking an attack lets you draw a card; hitting with an attack or throw allows you to combo more cards from your hand; dodging an attack lets you hit back with a single move. Bluff phase. After it's resolved who won combat, but before any combos are played, the player who might get hit by a combo can play a facedown Joker or bluff card. After the attacker finishes their combo, reveal that facedown card. If it's a Joker, the combo does no damage. If it's a non-Joker card, the combo does full damage as usual. Power up: Players can discard pairs, 3-of-a-kinds, or 4-of-a-kinds to search their decks for Aces (super moves). Also, if they performed any chain combos (straights of sequential normal attacks, such as a 2,3,4,5) that turn, they can also search for Aces. The game ends when one player is reduced to 0 life, or when one player draws the last card of their deck. In that case, time is out and the player with the highest life wins.
Yomi: Argagarg Deck
Yomi (second edition) updates the original Yomi game with slight rule modifications and balance tweaks, in addition to adding ten new characters. Yomi is a fighting game in card form in which physical dexterity is replaced by hand management skills. Just like in a fighting game, you have to know your character, know the matchup, and know your opponent. Each character has a deck that follows the same conventions as deck of playing cards. This makes it easy to learn the contents of your deck: numbered cards are normal moves, face cards are special moves, and aces are super moves. Yomi is a competitive card game specifically designed and balanced to hold up to tournament play with many years of playtesting and tournaments behind it. It tests the skills of valuation and Yomi. Valuation refers to your ability to judge the relative value of moves (or cards) as they change over the course of the game. Yomi, the game's title, refers to your ability to "read" the patterns that your opponent unconsciously falls into. It's designed for high level play to be as interesting as possible and as balanced as possible. Game Modes 1v1, the main mode 2v2 Team Battle, inspired by video games such as Marvel vs Capcom A solo mode to learn basic proficiency against an automated opponent A 3v3 mode (can be played as 1v1 with multiple characters) inspired by video games such as King of Fighters Gameplay Each player shuffles their deck and draws an opening hand of seven cards. Turns are simultaneous and players draw one card per turn. Each player plays a combat card face down, then reveals the cards simultaneously. Resolve combat. Blocking an attack lets you draw a card; hitting with an attack or throw allows you to combo more cards from your hand; dodging an attack lets you hit back with a single move. Bluff phase. After it's resolved who won combat, but before any combos are played, the player who might get hit by a combo can play a facedown Joker or bluff card. After the attacker finishes their combo, reveal that facedown card. If it's a Joker, the combo does no damage. If it's a non-Joker card, the combo does full damage as usual. Power up: Players can discard pairs, 3-of-a-kinds, or 4-of-a-kinds to search their decks for Aces (super moves). Also, if they performed any chain combos (straights of sequential normal attacks, such as a 2,3,4,5) that turn, they can also search for Aces. The game ends when one player is reduced to 0 life, or when one player draws the last card of their deck. In that case, time is out and the player with the highest life wins.
Yomi: Round 2
Yomi is a fighting game in card form in which physical dexterity is replaced by hand management skills. Just like in a fighting game, you have to know your character, know the matchup, and know your opponent. Each character has a deck that follows the same conventions as a deck of playing cards. This makes it easy to learn the contents of your deck: numbered cards are normal moves, face cards are special moves, and aces are super moves. Yomi: Round 2 is a standalone item that contains four characters (out of twenty) for the second edition of Yomi. With these characters, you can compete in 1v1, 2v2, 2v1, and solo modes, with each player in the game needing one character deck. The character decks in Yomi: Round 2 can also be played against those in Yomi: Round 1 or any of the individual character decks that comprise the second edition of Yomi. As for the characters, they are: • Quince (challenging to play well) Quince can play TWO cards in combat sometimes! Quince can spin his combat card around after seeing what the opponent played! Politicians are straightforward and truthful, but this deck is very tricky to play • Onimaru (easy to understand) Onimaru has attacks that can beat any other attacks in the game. Onimaru relies on single hits for high damage, rather than big combos. He can guard crush through an opponent's block. • Bal-Bas-Beta (very difficult to understand) Put your opponent at long range and they can't even damage BBB, but BBB can damage them. BBB can play relatively safely while dealing low damage, then shift to high damage plays to end the game. Robots have a lot of moving parts, so it takes some thinking to understand BBB, but once you do he isn't as hard to play as it seems. • Troq (easy to understand) Troq is simple and powerful. Troq smash. Troq throw 'u'.
Yomi: Round 1
Yomi is a fighting game in card form in which physical dexterity is replaced by hand management skills. Just like in a fighting game, you have to know your character, know the matchup, and know your opponent. Each character has a deck that follows the same conventions as a deck of playing cards. This makes it easy to learn the contents of your deck: numbered cards are normal moves, face cards are special moves, and aces are super moves. Yomi: Round 1 is a standalone item that contains four characters (out of twenty) for the second edition of Yomi. With these characters, you can compete in 1v1, 2v2, 2v1, and solo modes, with each player in the game needing one character deck. The character decks in Yomi: Round 1 can also be played against those in Yomi: Round 2 or any of the individual character decks that comprise the second edition of Yomi. As for the characters, they are: • Grave Versatile and powerful, including one of the most powerful super moves in the game. If you can read the opponent well, you'll get more Dragonheart attacks than usual. • Jaina Jaina can attack a lot and buyback her attacks by paying life. She can take risks with Unstable Power in order to get even more super moves than usual. Even her blocked moves deal more damage than other characters'. • Midori Midori can transform into a green dragon, and then his moves are much more powerful. He's a grappler with good defense. In Dragon Form, he can block to fetch cards from his discard pile to build a great hand. • Setsuki After doing a combo, Setsuki can usually refill her hand. Very fast attacks. Some ninja tricks to recur certain cards and to escape danger.
Your garden awaits! Spend the afternoon in your floriferous garden. Relax while enjoying this elegant game of picking, pairing, and arranging flowers. Find joy in the abundance of nature.Contents:60 Garden Cards9 Bounty Cards21 Desire CardsCustom Wooden Pawns & Tokens Ages: 14+Players: 1-4Game Length: 20 minutes
The One Hundred Torii
The traveler goesThrough the ancient torii gateLeaf falls in waterFind your path in a beautiful Japanese garden. In the Japanese tradition, the torii gate marks the transition into the sacred. Travel from fountains to flowers to shrines passing through as many torii gates as possible, while meeting vendors, poets, and even Samurai along the way.The One Hundred Torii is a tile placing game played over a series of turns. Earn the most journey points by expanding the garden and walking through as many torii gates as possible as you move between similar landmarks. Earn additional advantages and points by interacting with characters in the garden such as poets, samurai, gardeners, vendors and geishas.• Create paths in a gorgeous Japanese Garden.• Delightful combination of tile laying, set collection, and unique character abilities.• Contains beautiful pieces and is a joy to play. Ages: 8+Players: 1-4Game Length: 45 minutes