Board Games | New Releases
Forest Shuffle
 Experience the miracles of the forest in this clever card game. In Forest Shuffle, 2-4 players compete in gathering the most valuable trees and attracting species, thus creating an ecological balanced habitat for flora and fauna. It all starts with a single tree... And it's as simple as that: Each turn you draw cards from the stack or center, place trees in your forest to attract wildlife, try to combine plants and animals for extra points or bonus actions. Consider the different preferences of these creatures: Some animals feel only comfortable in the presence of their fellow species, others prefer certain tree types to live in. Are you able to establish an ideal balance and create the most beautiful forest?Â
Forest Shuffle: Alpine
In the mixed mountain forest of the Alps, all the way up the tree line, you can find numerous animals, plants, and mushrooms. While they share a habitat, they each have their own set of diverse needs. Forest Shuffle: Alpine is the highly anticipated expansion to the acclaimed card drafting game. These new cards expand the existing set collection options as well as introduce new ones, adding more depth and strategy to the game.Forest Shuffle: Alpine adds 36 new cards all with new stunning illustrations. EXPAND YOUR FOREST SHUFFLE EXPERIENCE: Introduce 36 new multifunctional cards to your Forest Shuffle game, adding incredible diversity and fresh strategies to explore. DISCOVER THE ALPS: Venture into the Alpine region with this expansion, bringing new species and two additional tree types to enrich your gameplay. ADDITIONAL TACTICAL DEPTH: Some cards introduce exciting twists to the base game's rules, offering more strategic options and challenges to your forest-building endeavors. PERFECT FOR STRATEGY LOVERS: Designed by Kosch, this expansion enhances the tactical aspects of Forest Shuffle, making it even more engaging for players seeking a thoughtful and strategic card game. SEAMLESS INTEGRATION WITH BASE GAME: Easily shuffle the new cards into your existing Forest Shuffle game for an even more varied and immersive gaming experience. Contents 36 Cards Instructions
Lab Notes
Class is now in session for Lab Notes! This roll-and-write game features the brain teaser challenge of putting together chemical bonds. Each round, a player rolls all the elemental dice for Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon, or a useful but dangerous Bunsen Burner. The rolling player chooses their element first, leaving the rest of the table to scratch their heads to fit the remainder within their lab notes. Elements now in hand, the players choose where to keep their elements. They can notate in the research field or trash them for some added benefits, later. Combine elements based on the real rules of chemistry! Double and triple bonds are worth more, but you can only bond with elements near each other and as they’re written. Don’t worry if you’re not sure about what bonds work where. There are handy-dandy notecards outlining real, actual chemicals you can make! Manage to make the chemical on the card? You get a bonus! Lab fires burn a slot within your lab notes, but maybe that will work out for you, who knows! The game ends when the first person fills up their sheet. Tally up all those points and see who’s top of the class!
Compounded: Premium Element Tray
Compounded: Premium Element Tray for use with Compounded Base Game
Compounded: The Peer-Reviewed Edition
Compounded is a game about building chemical compounds through careful management of elements, a fair bit of social play and trading, and just a bit of luck. In Compounded, players take on the roles of lab managers, hastily competing to complete the most compounds before they are completed by others — or destroyed in an explosion. Some compounds are flammable and will grow more and more volatile over time; take too long to gather the necessary elements for those compounds, and a lot of hard work will soon be scattered across the lab. Although Compounded does involve a fair share of press-your-luck tension and certainly some strategic planning, the most successful scientists will often be those who strike a good trade with their fellow lab mates. Players are able to freely trade elements, laboratory tools, and even favors — if there is truly honor among chemists! In the ten years since Compounded debuted, designer Darrell Louder and publisher Greater Than Games have developed and refined the design to streamline gameplay, increase player interaction, and include more real-world facts. Compounded: The Peer-Reviewed Edition is a game about scientists grappling for recognition on the edge of known chemistry and getting credit for their discoveries, all while competing for limited resources and striking deals with the competition to ensure their work gets done. Compounded: The Peer-Reviewed Edition features new compounds, new tool tiles and rules, revised lab fire interaction, redesigned lab benches, and more. Everything in this new build of Compounded has been tweaked in some way.
Lab Notes - Refill Pack
Refill pack for Lab Notes base game