Board Games | New Releases
Forest Shuffle
 Experience the miracles of the forest in this clever card game. In Forest Shuffle, 2-4 players compete in gathering the most valuable trees and attracting species, thus creating an ecological balanced habitat for flora and fauna. It all starts with a single tree... And it's as simple as that: Each turn you draw cards from the stack or center, place trees in your forest to attract wildlife, try to combine plants and animals for extra points or bonus actions. Consider the different preferences of these creatures: Some animals feel only comfortable in the presence of their fellow species, others prefer certain tree types to live in. Are you able to establish an ideal balance and create the most beautiful forest?Â
Forest Shuffle: Alpine
In the mixed mountain forest of the Alps, all the way up the tree line, you can find numerous animals, plants, and mushrooms. While they share a habitat, they each have their own set of diverse needs. Forest Shuffle: Alpine is the highly anticipated expansion to the acclaimed card drafting game. These new cards expand the existing set collection options as well as introduce new ones, adding more depth and strategy to the game.Forest Shuffle: Alpine adds 36 new cards all with new stunning illustrations. EXPAND YOUR FOREST SHUFFLE EXPERIENCE: Introduce 36 new multifunctional cards to your Forest Shuffle game, adding incredible diversity and fresh strategies to explore. DISCOVER THE ALPS: Venture into the Alpine region with this expansion, bringing new species and two additional tree types to enrich your gameplay. ADDITIONAL TACTICAL DEPTH: Some cards introduce exciting twists to the base game's rules, offering more strategic options and challenges to your forest-building endeavors. PERFECT FOR STRATEGY LOVERS: Designed by Kosch, this expansion enhances the tactical aspects of Forest Shuffle, making it even more engaging for players seeking a thoughtful and strategic card game. SEAMLESS INTEGRATION WITH BASE GAME: Easily shuffle the new cards into your existing Forest Shuffle game for an even more varied and immersive gaming experience. Contents 36 Cards Instructions
Grand Austria Hotel - High Season
 You run a renowned hotel in Vienna at the beginning of the 20th century, and it's particularly busy right now: it's high season! Guests from all over the world want to check into their rooms, ma presto! and they expect non the less than exquisite service. New staff has to be hired to to support you. Even the emperor has noticed your posh hotel - will you be able to meet his demands? Now it's up to you to outdo the competition and shine as Vienna's top address! GRAND VIENNA EXPERIENCE: Immerse yourself in the world of Vienna's finest hotel in this charming Roll & Write game. QUICK AND ENGAGING: Enjoy the full Grand Austria Hotel experience in shorter playtime with dice selection, effect combos, and Emperor scoring. VARIETY AND REPLAYABILITY: Explore different hotel plans and variable staff strips, both printed on both sides, ensuring high replay value. WIPEABLE PLAYER TABLEAUS: Keep your player tableau clean and ready for the next game with wipeable surfaces. STANDALONE FUN: This is a standalone game within the Grand Hotel series, offering a unique and enjoyable gaming experience.