Board Games | Abstract Games
Pyramid Arcade
Pyramid Arcade is a complete game library in one box. Inside, you'll find everything you need to play 22 different tabletop games, each of which uses the Looney Pyramid gaming pieces in a different way. The games in this arcade range from easy to complex, from mostly-luck to pure skill, and from time-killer to brain-burner. Developed over the course of more than twenty-five years, the games in this set are truly out of this world The 22 games in the box include: Ice Dice, Zark City, Color Wheel, Black Ice, Twin Win, Treehouse, Petal Battle, Launchpad 23, Volcano, Hijinks, Ice Towers, Lunar Invaders, Verticality, Homeworlds, Powerhouse, Looney Ludo, Pyramid-Sham-Bo, Give or Take, World War 5, Petri Dish, Martian Chess, and Pharaoh.
A fast and easy introductory game with a simple goal. Great for all ages and playable by as many as 10 people! Everyone starts with 3 pyramids of all different colors, and the first player to get rid of them all – to have no ‘mids – is the winner! Nomids also includes overviews of 3 other games you can play with the pieces.As a Pyramid Arcade expansion, two sets of Nomids will bring a Pyramid Arcade set up to the five trios needed for several popular games, in all ten colors.