Clearance Digimon Card Game: Gift Box 2022 [GB-02]
Please Note: This is a New/Factory Sealed product. To ensure the integrity of our inventory, NO RETURNS WILL BE ACCEPTED for any CCG product. Please see our Refund Policy for details. x4 EX-03 Booster Packsx1Damage Counterx1 Promo Card[EX-03 Rarity]Common: x26Uncommon: x20Rare: x18Super Rare: x8Secret Rare: x2
Clearance Digimon Starter Deck - Ultimate Ancient Dragon
Please Note: This is a New/Factory Sealed product. To ensure the integrity of our inventory, NO RETURNS WILL BE ACCEPTED for any CCG product. Please see our Refund Policy for details.
Clearance Digimon Card Game: Starter Deck Wolf of Friendship [ST-16]
Please Note: This is a New/Factory Sealed product. To ensure the integrity of our inventory, NO RETURNS WILL BE ACCEPTED for any CCG product. Please see our Refund Policy for details. This deck contains the fan-favorite duo of Matt and Garurumon! It’s ready for battle and built focused around the newest game mechanic!Content• one (1) Constructed Deck (54 cards)• two (2) Memory Gauge
Clearance Digimon Card Game: Starter Deck Dragon of Courage [ST-15]
Please Note: This is a New/Factory Sealed product. To ensure the integrity of our inventory, NO RETURNS WILL BE ACCEPTED for any CCG product. Please see our Refund Policy for details. A deck built around the massively popular Tai and WarGreymon! It’s ready for battle and built focused around the newest game mechanic!Content• one (1) Constructed Deck (54 cards)• two (2) Memory Gauge