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Board Games

87 products

  • Gamers Guild AZ Stronghold Games Terraforming Mars: 3D Tiles GTS

    Terraforming Mars: 3D Tiles

    2 in stock

    Terraforming Mars: Small Box expansion has a set of 3D terrain tiles to dress up the game. Included in the box are 24 city tiles, 40 forest tiles, 9 ocean tiles and 14 special tiles (the original eleven, plus three new ones) It also includes three new cards that relate to the three new special tiles, card dividers, and five plastic markers for the global parameters.

    2 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Stronghold Games Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition (Collector's Edition) GTS

    Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition (Collector's Edition)

    2 in stock

    This is the Collector’s edition of the game, containing dual-layered player boards and custom storage trays. A new, stand-alone game in the universe of the internationally best-selling game, Terraforming Mars! In this time of unprecedented prosperity and advancement for humankind, we are finally ready to expand beyond what once were considered our limits and make a new home among the stars. Ares Expedition is a card game where you take control of an interplanetary corporation with the mission to make Mars habitable (and profitable). Featuring simultaneous action selection and simultaneous resolution, Ares Expedition is a fast-playing strategy game inspired by scientific principles. Will you lead humanity’s new era?

    2 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Stronghold Games Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition Crisis GTS

    Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition Crisis

    3 in stock

    In Terraforming Mars Ares Expedition: Crisis, players will play as corporations, just as in the original Ares Expedition. You choose phases and play project cards as normal. The difference is players are working together to keep Mars habitable after a natural disaster has landed the planet in crisis. Every round, a new Crisis card will be drawn that will require the players to achieve a certain goal to remove that crisis from play. Each turn that a Crisis card is not completely dealt with, it will lower one or more of the terraforming metrics that keep Mars habitable.Handle all the crises as they arise. Eventually, a Crisis card will be drawn that allows the players to win the game once they have completed re-terraforming Mars.

    3 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Stronghold Games Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition Foundations GTS

    Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition Foundations

    2 in stock

    This Expansion contains additional player boards, cubes, and phase cards so that Ares Expedition can be played with up to six players. This expansion also includes two additional game boards. One is a larger score track. The other adds a fourth terraforming metric: infrastructure. Additionally, there are new project cards that involve the new terraforming metric and a new phase card.

    2 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Stronghold Games Terraforming Mars: Big Box GTS

    Terraforming Mars: Big Box

    4 in stock

    **THIS LISTING IS FOR THE STORAGE BOX ONLY AND DOES NOT CONTAIN THE BASE GAME**Terraforming Mars: Big Box is both a storage option for all the Terraforming Mars material released to date — the base game, five expansions, and the first-player rover — and a set of 3D terrain tiles to dress up the game. Included in the box are: 24 city tiles (four each of six designs) 40 forest tiles (eight each of five designs) 9 ocean tiles 14 special tiles (the original eleven, plus three new ones) Terraforming Mars: Big Box also includes three new cards that relate to the three new special tiles, card dividers, and five plastic markers for the global parameters.

    4 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Stronghold Games Terraforming Mars: Colonies GTS

    Terraforming Mars: Colonies

    3 in stock

    Our world has widened before us. Corporations expand their operations to all corners of the solar system in pursuit of minerals and resources. Most places are not suited for terraforming, but building colonies may greatly improve your income and your possibilities in achieving that higher goal — the terraforming of Mars. Send your trade fleet to distant moons! Colonize the clouds of Jupiter! And let your Earth assets propel you to success! Terraforming Mars: Colonies, an expansion for Terraforming Mars that can be played with only the base game or with any combination of expansions, lets you visit the outer solar system. It features colony tiles where you can build colonies and send your trade fleet. It also includes new cards and corporations.

    3 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Stronghold Games Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium GTS

    Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium

    6 in stock

    Hellas & Elysium is the first expansion for Terraforming Mars. It features two new game boards which can be played instead of the main game’s Tharsis map. • Elysium takes players almost to the opposite side of Mars’ equator, with vast lowlands for oceans in the north and a dry, mineral-rich south. Place a tile on Olympus Mons, the highest peak in the solar system, to gain three free cards! • Hellas, the southern wild, includes Mars’ south pole and the enormous seven-hex Hellas crater that just begs to become a giant lake. Building around the pole gives you new placement bonuses in the form of heat and possibly even water.

    6 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Stronghold Games Terraforming Mars: Prelude GTS

    Terraforming Mars: Prelude

    4 in stock

    As the mega corporations are getting ready to start the terraforming process, you now have the chance to make those early choices that will come to define your corporation and set the course for the future history of Mars - this is the prelude to your greatest endeavors! In Terraforming Mars: Prelude, you choose from Prelude cards that jumpstart the terraforming process or boost your corporation's engine. There are also 5 new corporations and 7 project cards that thematically fit the early stages of terraforming a new planet. Prelude is an expansion to Terraforming Mars, and can be combined with any other Terraforming Mars expansion or variant.

    4 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Stronghold Games Terraforming Mars: Turmoil GTS

    Terraforming Mars: Turmoil

    2 in stock

    Turmoil, the fifth expansion to Terraforming Mars, takes players back to Mars, and the struggle for control and progress of human society on a big and dangerous planet. The expansion includes new corporations, new projects, and a new type of cards — Global Events, from dust storms to riots to rising alloy demand — that give you something to plan for 3 generations in advance. At the heart of this is the political arena of the Terraforming Committee. A new action allows players to add delegates to different parties, the first delegate each generation being free, and additional ones costing 5 MC. Neutral delegates are added by the global events, representing the wishes and trends of society.When a player (even the neutral player) has more delegates in a party than any other player, that player takes over the party leader seat for that party, and when a party has more delegates than any other party, it becomes dominant. The dominant party will become ruling during the next generation, imposing its one-time bonus, its ongoing policy, and granting chairmanship for its party leader, awarding that player 1 terraform rating. Party: Bonus: Policy:Kelvinist 1MC/heat production 10MC -> 1 heat production + 1 energy productionScientist 1MC/science tag 10MC -> draw 3 cards (once per player)Unity 1MC/planet tag Titanium is worth +1MCMars First 1MC/building tag Placing a tile on Mars gives 1 steelGreens 1MC/biological tag placing a greenery tile gives 4MCReds 1TR for the lowest player Increasing TR in the action phase costs +3MC The political arena also determines the players' influence, which can be used to moderate or enhance the effect of the current global event. Influence is gained from being the chairman of the Committee, being party leader in the dominant party, and for having a non-leader delegate in the dominant party.In order to pay for all these new bonuses, the Committee is revising the terraform rating, lowering it for all players by 1 step each generation. In Turmoil, players can try to force their own agenda, or push it in a more moderate, economic way. They can play to mitigate the global events with influence, or adjust their play to better take advantage of them. And they can anticipate the competing players' agendas and try to benefit from them, or counteract them. Turmoil is an expert expansion - be prepared to meet the full spectrum of human civilization in the era of terraforming Mars!

    2 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Stronghold Games Terraforming Mars: Venus Next GTS

    Terraforming Mars: Venus Next

    1 in stock

    Terraforming Mars: Venus Next, the second expansion for the Terraforming Mars base game, has players building flying cities and making the atmosphere more hospitable on the deadly planet Venus.In Venus Next, the World Government chooses to also fund the terraforming of Venus. Around 50 project cards and 5 corporations are added, with a special focus on how to make Venus habitable. With the new floater resource, a new milestone, a new award, a new tag, and a new terraforming parameter, players are given more paths to victory and an even more varied play.

    1 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Grand Gamers Guild The Artemis Odyssey Gamers Guild AZ

    The Artemis Odyssey

    2 in stock

    The Artemis Odyssey begins many generations after the events of The Artemis Project. Using the alien relics found deep in the oceans of the frozen moon Europa as a technological springboard, humankind has become quickly capable of reaching out to the distant stars...and to the mysterious orbiting planets. Build powerful starships to cross the vast emptiness of interstellar space, land on uninhabited planets to find valuable resources. Establish your presence with colonies, factories, mighty terraformers. With luck you may even unearth more alien tech. Your exploration is accomplished through a clever system of hidden planning on a shared board. When the planning board is full, it is resolved in sequence…with all players benefiting from each others’ plans! By anticipating what your opponents want to do next, where they want to go, and how they want to score, you’ll be able to squeeze the most out of your efforts, and ensure that your faction builds the greatest star-spanning network of them all! Get ready to blaze a trail deep into the frontiers of the galaxy…The Artemis Odyssey begins now!

    2 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ KOSMOS The Crew: Mission Deep Sea GTS

    The Crew: Mission Deep Sea

    6 in stock

    In this highly-anticipated followup to the original cooperative card game — winner of the 2020 Kennerspiel des Jahres — players work together to search for the lost continent of Mu. This new adventure takes your crew deep down into the abyss on a search for the fabled sunken land. How far you get depends entirely on how well you work together as a team. Card by card, trick by trick, your search party will discover the challenges that lie ahead and forge a path to Mu. This new version of The Crew has the same innovative cooperative trick-taking mechanic as the highly lauded original game — but with some exciting new surprises!While communication between your crew members is severely limited by your submerged state, it is also critical to your success; finding the hidden land in the murky depths depends not only on winning tricks, but also on carefully negotiating the order in which they are won. If things don’t go as planned, you might just be able to salvage the operation. But it will take near flawless execution and perhaps a little luck to finally reach Mu.

    6 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ KOSMOS The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine GTS

    The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine

    5 in stock

    In the co-operative trick-taking game The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine, the players set out as astronauts on an uncertain space adventure. What about the rumors about the unknown planet about? The eventful journey through space extends over 50 exciting missions. But this game can only be defeated by meeting common individual tasks of each player. In order to meet the varied challenges, communication is essential in the team. But this is more difficult than expected in space. With each mission, the game becomes more difficult. After each mission, the game can be paused and continued later. During each mission, it is not the amount of tricks, but the right tricks at the right time that count. The team completes a mission only if every single player is successful in fulfilling their tasks.

    5 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Gamelyn Games Tiny Epic Galaxies Blast Off GTS

    Tiny Epic Galaxies Blast Off

    2 in stock

    Tiny Epic Galaxies BLAST OFF! is a streamlined successor to the best selling game Tiny Epic Galaxies. Tiny Epic Galaxies BLAST OFF! Will have you learning and teaching the game faster than ever! Immediately shuffle the Planet Deck, featuring 100% icon based abilities, set them in orbit and you are on your way. Turns will consist of rolling Galaxy Dice and executing simple actions that lead to epic play! Tiny Epic Galaxies BLAST OFF! features an off turn mechanic called following. This ensures you will stay engaged and allows for it to always be your turn. Use your actions to create cosmic combos and race to colonize planets. Each planet you colonize brings new abilities to your galaxy and earns you victory points. Acquire the most victory points by the game's end and you'll be crown the supreme leader of the universe!

    2 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Gamelyn Games Tiny Epic Galaxies: Player Dice Set (Pre-Order) GTS

    Tiny Epic Galaxies: Player Dice Set (Pre-Order)

    3 in stock

    This item is a pre-order item with an expected release date of Q3 2024. Orders containing a pre-order item WILL NOT SHIP until the final pre-order item is able to be shipped. Dates and product details are subject to change as new information from the manufacturer is updated. Includes 28 dice!• seven (7) Red• seven (7) Blue• seven (7) Green• seven (7) Yellow

    3 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Grey Fox Games Tortuga 2199 GTS

    Tortuga 2199

    3 in stock

    Tortuga 2199 is a deck building, exploration, and area control game for 2–4 players. Play as the pirate captain of a space ship.Your objective is to become the most powerful captain and have all of the disunited pirate clans join your cause.Upgrade your ship and hire new crew members.Explore and conquer different sectors of the planet.Fight space beasts and board other captains’ ships.All of the above increases your influence and helps to reach your goal. Good luck, captain. All sails to the space wind! Tortuga 2199 contains a modular playing board, spaceship miniatures, tokens, counters and 150+ cards.

    3 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Grey Fox Games Tortuga 2199: Shipwreck Bay GTS

    Tortuga 2199: Shipwreck Bay

    4 in stock

    This expansion adds a 5th player, more sector tiles, cards, markers, tokens, and the "Stingray" as a new spaceship.

    4 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Fantasy Flight Games Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition) Asmodee

    Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition)

    3 in stock

    Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition) is a game of galactic conquest in which three to six players take on the role of one of seventeen factions vying for galactic domination through military might, political maneuvering, and economic bargaining. Every faction offers a completely different play experience, from the wormhole-hopping Ghosts of Creuss to the Emirates of Hacan, masters of trade and economics. These seventeen races are offered many paths to victory, but only one may sit upon the throne of Mecatol Rex as the new masters of the galaxy. No two games of Twilight Imperium are ever identical. At the start of each galactic age, the game board is uniquely and strategically constructed using 51 galaxy tiles that feature everything from lush new planets and supernovas to asteroid fields and gravity rifts. Players are dealt a hand of these tiles and take turns creating the galaxy around Mecatol Rex, the capital planet seated in the center of the board. An ion storm may block your race from progressing through the galaxy while a fortuitously placed gravity rift may protect you from your closest foes. The galaxy is yours to both craft and dominate. A round of Twilight Imperium begins with players selecting one of eight strategy cards that both determine player order and give their owner a unique strategic action for that round. These may do anything from providing additional command tokens to allowing a player to control trade throughout the galaxy. After these roles are selected, players take turns moving their fleets from system to system, claiming new planets for their empire, and engaging in warfare and trade with other factions. At the end of a turn, players gather in a grand council to pass new laws and agendas, shaking up the game in unpredictable ways. After every player has passed their turn, players move up the victory track by checking to see whether they have completed any objectives throughout the turn and scoring them. Objectives are determined by setting up ten public objective cards at the start of each game, then gradually revealing them with every round. Every player also chooses between two random secret objectives at the start of the game, providing victory points achievable only by the holder of that objective. These objectives can be anything from researching new technologies to taking your neighbor's home system. At the end of every turn, a player can claim one public objective and one secret objective. As play continues, more of these objectives are revealed and more secret objectives are dealt out, giving players dynamically changing goals throughout the game. Play continues until a player reaches ten victory points.

    3 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Fantasy Flight Games Twilight Imperium: Prophesy of Kings Asmodee

    Twilight Imperium: Prophesy of Kings

    4 in stock

    The Prophecy of Kings expansion is packed with new content for Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition). The galaxy has grown far larger as seven never-before-seen factions enter the game, each boasting its own unique strengths and weaknesses, from the gene-altering powers of the Mahact to the watchful guard of the Argent Flight, to the mysterious and ancient Empyrean. And new factions aren't the only way the galaxy grows bigger! Forty new system and hyperlane tiles add new planets and obstacles to the map, and with two new colors of player components included in the box, you can play Twilight Imperium with up to eight players. But that's only a fraction of what you'll find in this expansion! Adding even more flavor to your chosen species, a wealth of unique leader cards arrive to support every faction in the game, giving you powers to unlock during the game. Lumbering mechs stomp onto the battlefield as powerful new ground forces with unique special abilities for every faction. As you venture into the unknown regions of space, brand-new exploration decks seed new planets and the void of space with new discoveries, including fragments you can combine to create awe-inspiring relics. On top of this, Prophecy of Kings includes new action cards, agenda cards, objectives, technologies, promissory notes, legendary planets, and more.

    4 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Fantasy Flight Games Twilight Inscription Asmodee

    Twilight Inscription

    2 in stock

    The Lazax Empire has burned to ash, rejected by its subjects. The aftermath was tragedy and petty conflict in equal measure, a time of loss and exhaustion. In the ensuing Dark Years, the factions of the galaxy retreated and recovered their strength. Now, they look upon the stars and see an opportunity—a chance to reclaim what was lost. A chance to redefine galactic civilization. A chance to leave their mark upon the stars. Twilight Inscription, an epic roll-and-write game for one to eight players, offers an experience unlike anything Fantasy Flight Games has done before. With a limited pool of resources at your disposal, you’ll need to carefully manage Navigation, Expansion, Industry, and Warfare as you amass victory points and earn your right to the throne on Mecatol Rex. Will your faction become the new rulers of the galaxy? Or will your fledgling empire fade into obscurity? Anything can happen in this strategic, infinitely-replayable game!

    2 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Wormholes (Pre-Order) GTS


    4 in stock

      In a peaceful galaxy, a new technology has been invented: wormholes. They allow ships to warp from one point to another and open countless possibilities for commerce and travel. As the captain of a passenger spaceship newly equipped with a wormhole fabricator, you can make some serious space bucks by building a robust network of wormholes. Link the farthest reaches of space while delivering passengers to become the most successful captain in this golden age of spacefaring. It’s time to bend space and go fast.CONTENTS:• 1 Rulebook• 5 Ship tokens• 50 Wormhole tokens• 105 Cards• 10 Space boards• 15 Energy tokens• 5 Draw tokens• 14 Exploration tokens• 40 Point tokens• 1 Randomizer token• 1 First player tokenAges 14+, 1-5 players, 45-60 minutes

    4 in stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Catan Studio Catan: Starfarers 2nd Edition Asmodee

    Catan: Starfarers 2nd Edition

    Out of stock

    It’s the year 2700 and you’ve been selected to compete for the prestigious title of Ambassador to the Galactic Council. Not just anyone can become Ambassador—you must earn fame and glory by leaving the known universe behind. Delve deep into the unknown, discover new solar systems, meet new extraterrestrial lifeforms and use your diplomacy so they will aid you with their powers. As you explore the space in between, you’ll encounter wormholes, merchants, pirates and more. All of this is made easier with the right upgrades to your ship. Discover the joy of building your own mothership. Add boosters to fly faster, lock on freight pods to increase your bargaining power and diplomacy, and outfit cannons to fend off pirates. Each mothership also has a unique shaking mechanism to determine your moves and encounters in the game.

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  • Gamers Guild AZ Fantasy Flight Games Cosmic Encounter Asmodee

    Cosmic Encounter

    Out of stock

    Who—or what—is out there? Colonize the galaxy in Cosmic Encounter! This game of interstellar exploration, negotiation, and conflict invites three to five players to lead their own unique alien civilizations as they seek to spread across the stars. But every planet is ruled by someone, and the only way to expand your cosmic colonies is through either diplomacy or war. By establishing colonies on five planets beyond the reaches of your home system, you will safeguard the future of your species and earn victory. But if you fail, you will fall into the black abyss of space! Every game of Cosmic Encounter is different, and the tables can turn in an instant. Forge your alliances, outwit your enemies, and spread your colonies across the galaxy!

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  • Gamers Guild AZ Fantasy Flight Games Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Incursion Asmodee

    Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Incursion

    Out of stock

    Over the years, alien empires have risen and fallen. The Vacuum has failed to eliminate the Zombie, the Virus has spread far and wide, and the Loser has turned defeat into victory. 50 different species have tried to conquer the galaxy, and each have made their mark on the universe. Their warring has not gone unnoticed. In Cosmic Incursion, the exciting expansion for Cosmic Encounter, 20 new alien races explode onto the galaxy! Players will face the sticky terror of the Fungus, scratch their heads at the perplexing Magician, and shudder in fear as the Locust consumes their planets in one gulp. Cosmic Incursion also makes the Cosmos even bigger, adding a 6th player to the game. Finally, as if that wasn’t enough, Cosmic Incursion introduces a new variant to the game – the reward deck, which offers exciting new cards such as kickers and rifts to those aliens who ally with the defense.

    Out of stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Stronghold Games Dark Moon Alliance Games Distributors

    Dark Moon

    Out of stock

    WELCOME TO DARK MOON. The Noguchi Masaki interplanetary mining corporation welcomes you to its outpost on Titan, the dark moon of Saturn! You will be joining an experienced crew of miners, technicians, and adventurous souls who live to experience all the wonders that our solar system has to offer. Purpose, loyalty, camaraderie, friendship, and sacrifice all await you as a new and valued member of the Noguchi Masaki family! DARK MOON (formerly known as BSG Express), is a game of deception and betrayal at the cold edge of space. You are a crew member on a deep space mining expedition to Titan, the dark moon of Saturn. During a routine excavation, an “incident” occurs whereby some of the crew become infected with an unknown virus, and become paranoid, deceitful, and violent, trying to destroy the others. At the start of the game, players are divided into two teams: Uninfected and Infected. The Uninfected team simply needs to survive until the end of the game, while the Infected team secretly attempts to destroy them. Each player knows which team they are on, but does not know which team the other players are on! Who is your teammate and who is your enemy? Can you trust your best friend? And why doesn’t anyone trust you when you tell them you’re one of the good guys?! Roll dice, overcome traumatic events, throw your friends in quarantine when you don’t believe them, and (if you’re Infected) betray everyone at just the right moment to secure victory!

    Out of stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Cherry Picked Games Far Away (Second Edition) GTS

    Far Away (Second Edition)

    Out of stock

    The Far Away ProgramThe Federation Alliance started the Far Away program nearly 50 cycles ago to discover and explore new worlds. The missions we undertake are of vital importance to galactic prosperity. However, budget setbacks have forced us to reduce operational expenses. That’s where you, the willing explorer, can help!Far Away is a two-player cooperative board game about discovery, survival, and the crushing loneliness of being the only two humans for lightyears.Join the Federation Alliance, a bureaucracy with an ambitious charter of mapping new worlds and a minimalist budget. Succeed in a variety of missions on randomly generated worlds with unique ecosystems, without luxuries like radios, landing gear, and medical supplies. Trust in your partner is paramount since, without radios, you can’t communicate (in real life) after separating on the game board.Survive, and you’ll be rewarded with a meager paycheck. Succumb to the planet, and you’ll find help is too Far Away.Updates in Second Edition:★ An inlay for the creature tokens.★ Deeper box.★ Darker creature sketches on the cards and tokens.★ Revamped creature token for better visibility.★ Slight cube color changes to improve low-light gameplay.★ Fixes to everything listed in the errata.

    Out of stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Capstone Games Gaia Project PHD

    Gaia Project

    Out of stock

    Set your sights on distant stars and strive to colonize the galaxy in Gaia Project, the follow-up to Terra Mystica! Explore the vast reaches of space and convert planets to meet your faction's unique environmental needs as you seek to tighten your grasp on the galaxy. Fourteen different factions stand ready to boldly take their first steps into the cosmos while building structures to generate resources, researching new technology, and uniting planets to form powerful federations. Chart your course in the cosmos in Gaia Project!

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Space Base: Command Station GTS

    Space Base: Command Station

    Out of stock

    Following the events surrounding "Shy Pluto," two new zones within known space have opened up. The Admiral has promoted two new Captains to the rank of Commodore to command these new space bases and work their sectors! The Space Base: Command Station expansion allows players to expand their games of Space Base to include two more players and adds "pre-deployed" ship cards to adjust for balance and gameplay with more than five players. Now six or seven Commodores can compete for the promotion to become the Admiral of the U.E.S. Fleet! The Space Base: Command Station box is designed to be large enough to hold the Space Base base game, the Shy Pluto expansion, and additional future expansions in one convenient storage box!

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Space Base: The Emergence of Shy Pluto GTS

    Space Base: The Emergence of Shy Pluto

    Out of stock

    A strange new galactic body has emerged within the Milky Way. The greatest minds of The United Earth Services find themselves bewildered by the sudden appearance of Shy Pluto. Get the crews to their stations — it's time to deploy your ships. The Emergence of Shy Pluto is the first installment of Space Base "Saga Expansions." This expansion to Space Base is a collection of story-based scenarios that introduce new content to the game via a narrative structure. Not only are new ships added, but new scenarios are included as well. Once the story is completed, it may be replayed or the contents may be added to the Space Base base set.

    Out of stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Keymaster Games Space Park (Pre-Order) GTS

    Space Park

    Out of stock

      Ride a rocket to extraordinary destinations across our galaxy. During your travels you will gather exotic crystals that further our understanding of what’s out there. Use these crystals to complete exploration badges and turn them in at the mysterious Outpost 13 to prove yourself as the galaxy’s next great space explorer! Space Park features a modular board where seven destinations are randomly arranged to form a circle between players. During a player's turn, rockets will be on three of the board's seven destinations. These rockets symbolize what destinations are available for a player to travel to. Once a player travels to a destination by performing its action, that rocket moves to the next open destination clockwise. Destinations feature actions such as gaining a certain type of crystal, acquiring a new badge to work toward, turning in your crystals for Explorer Points, or using your trusty explorer-bot Scout to help out. The player with the most Explorer Points at the end of the game wins.

    Out of stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars: Outer Rim - Unfinished Business Expansion Asmodee

    Star Wars: Outer Rim - Unfinished Business Expansion

    Out of stock

    You’ve made a name for yourself in the Outer Rim, but there is still Unfinished Business. Hyperlanes through the Core Worlds hold the promise of untapped opportunities. The market is flush with new merchandise, from valuable cargo to tools of the trade. Just watch your step; the latest crop of bounties is even deadlier, and your rivals are looking to take you down! Unfinished Business, an expansion for Star Wars: Outer Rim, is packed with more of everything the game has to offer: characters, ships, gear, bounties, jobs, encounters, dice, and more! Two new tiles allow players to cross the galaxy by passing through the Core Worlds, and the new “favors” and “ambitions” change up how the game is played. Fire up your engines—it’s time to get down to business.

    Out of stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ CMON Starcadia Quest Asmodee

    Starcadia Quest

    Out of stock

    Starcadia Quest is a new standalone campaign game for 2 to 4 players. The dastardly Supreme Commander Thorne is looking to control the galaxy (at least a good portion of it) and each player leads a crew of two heroes flying through space on a quest to defeat him. While they share the same goal, the different crews are not exactly in league with one another. They will compete as much with each other as they do with Thorne and his army.

    Out of stock


  • Gamers Guild AZ CMON Starcadia Quest: ARRRmada Asmodee

    Starcadia Quest: ARRRmada

    Out of stock

    ARRRmada is a modular expansion that can be plugged into and played with any other Starcadia scenario - but players must be extra careful when facing Pirates: for each Pirate Assault card that is activated while any Pirates are on the board, they will steal away some of the Upgrade tokens that would have otherwise been available loot for players! Featuring a brand new Campaign with 6 new Scenarios against Captain Wet Willy and his mates, new Upgrade tokens and 3 new Game Tiles, ARRRmada offers a ton of new content to your Starcadia experience! Contains:- Rulebook- Campaign Sheet Pad- 12 Highly-Detailed Plastic Miniatures- 39 Cards- 20+ Tokens- 3 Game Tiles- Pirate Ship Dashboard

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  • Gamers Guild AZ CMON Starcadia Quest: Build-a-Robot Asmodee

    Starcadia Quest: Build-a-Robot

    Out of stock

    Starcadia Quest: Build-a-Robot brings not only a whole new branching campaign, monsters, heroes and Upgrades, but it’s also a modular expansion that introduces companion Robots, a new system that can be added to any Starcadia Quest Scenario! Contains:- Rulebook- Campaign Sheet Pad- 13 Highly-Detailed Plastic Miniatures- 38 Cards- 30+ Tokens- 3 Game Tiles- 4 Robot Dashboards

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  • Gamers Guild AZ CMON Starcadia Quest: Showdown Asmodee

    Starcadia Quest: Showdown

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    Starcadia Quest: Showdown is a brand-new expansion that complements not only Starcadia Quest but also plugs into the Arcadia Quest series as well! Showdown is not about going on an arduous quest to defeat evil monsters, no siree! Showdown introduces a new mode: full Player-versus-Player deathmatches that will see players draft & pick all-new Upgrade tokens and enter a vicious arena to battle enemy Crews! The action in Showdown takes place in a Double-sided Game Board, with one side designed for 3-4 players, and a 2 players version on the back. With its tight corridors and sharp turns, the Crews (and Guilds) will see themselves immersed into non-stop action! Only 1 Stimpack, 1 Recharge Token and 2 Computer Terminals are still functioning in the arena and sometimes become contested hotspots. In Showdown, the Crews don’t claim Victory by accumulating Victory Points: the first Crew that manages to score 3 Kills is deemed Victorious! Thanks to the Hollow Deck technology, Starcadians can conjure up the legendary Heroes from ancient Arcadia to test their mettle! With 60 Hero cards and 4 Crew Dashboards (sporting an appropriately battle-damaged look and slots for Pets and Mounts!) players with any Arcadia Quest core box (Classic or Inferno) or with the Starcadia Quest core box can join the Showdown!

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  • Gamers Guild AZ Gamelyn Games Tiny Epic Galaxies GTS

    Tiny Epic Galaxies

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    In Tiny Epic Galaxies each player controls a galactic empire, aiming to expand their influence by acquiring highly contested planets and increasing their cosmic armada. The game revolves around an innovative dice-rolling combo mechanic. The number of dice you roll is determined by the strength of your galaxy. Each die is engraved with symbols representing the various actions you can take, such as moving a spaceship, increasing your culture or energy resources, or advancing your political or economic influence over newly discovered planets. Through careful planning, you must make the most out of your turn, taking the available actions in whichever order you consider most beneficial. But be careful, as each of your opponents can choose to follow each action you take by expending valuable resources. This means that it can always be your turn, even when it is someone else’s turn! Players will colonize new planets throughout the game, thereby earning victory points and accumulating special abilities which they can activate for their galactic empire. Careful spending of resources will ensure the fastest growth of your empire, while allowing you to receive the biggest possible pay‐off from the actions you take. Will your influence be enough to control the most powerful planets in the galaxy? Will you be able to meet your secret objective along the way? Will your empire stand victorious?

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  • Gamers Guild AZ Tiny Epic Galaxies Beyond the Black (Pre-Order) Gamers Guild AZ

    Tiny Epic Galaxies Beyond the Black

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    Your galaxies have expanded to the extent of known space. You overlap with your rivals and fight tooth and nail for fertile planets. Now it is time to extend the horizons. Now it is time to upgrade your ships to the limits of today’s technology, and ready them with the brave pilots. Now it is time to go beyond the deep blackness of space into the truly unknown universe…

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  • Gamers Guild AZ Gamelyn Ultra Tiny Epic Galaxies GTS

    Ultra Tiny Epic Galaxies

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    Ultra-Tiny Epic Galaxies is a complete and unabridged version of Tiny Epic Galaxies in a box the size of a deck of cards. It plays the full spectrum of 1 to 5 players, has all 40 original planets, and even includes the Satellites & Super Weapons Mini-Expansion!

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  • Gamers Guild AZ Pandasaurus Games Wild Space Asmodee

    Wild Space

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    A new galaxy has just been discovered on the borders of the Empire! Commanding your Spaceship, go forth and explore this new El Dorado full of treasures and mysteries... Your discoveries will allow you to expand your Crew: recruit Specialists of all species, get help from Robots, and catch the attention of Empire Emissaries, who will entrust you with important missions.Wild Space is a tactical card game in which players must find the cleverest combos as they build their bustling crew. Each time you add new cards to your collection, you’ll reinforce your crew, earn credits, and prepare your next combos. Wild Space brings all the excitement of the best combo card games - plus a short play time and accessible rules. Gear up and prepare for a cosmically good time!

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