From the latest Gundam series "Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch of Mercury", the Chuchu's custom machine Demi-Trainer has been turned into a three-dimensional HG series!
- The range of motion of the arm is expanded by moving the shoulder with the drawer. The forearm is also rotatable.
- The neck can be pulled out to expand the range of motion, and the ball joint on the waist has a structure that allows for forward and backward tilting postures.
- The cable extending from the backpack to the beam rifle is represented by a lead wire.
- Beam rifle arm parts can be connected to the main body's front armor.
- The thrusters on the sides of both legs can slide and rotate up and down.
- Accessories: Beam rifle × 1, Hand parts × 1 set, Lead wire x 1, Sticker × 1