Infinity Operations Deck
New Operations Deck adapted for the ITS Season 15. The Operations Deck replaces the previous Classified Objectives Deck in this new season of the ITS.The Operations Deck is composed by the Classified Deck, 20 cards necessary for the ITS mission Classified Objectives, plus the Tactical Objectives Deck and the Battle Conditions Deck, 28 cards which determine the objectives and combat circumstances in the new game format: Resilience Operations.
Infinity: Dire Foes Mission Pack 13: Blindspot
Armies: Haqqislam / Hassassin Bahram / ALEPH / Steel PhalanxThe Galactic Hitchhikers like to travel all around the Human Sphere for free, even if that means they sometimes stow away on a ship or two. If they get caught they can get into trouble, but the real trouble starts when they see something they shouldn't have seen, which is what happened to Nakia Usman, now pursued by some of the Sphere's best agents. A situation in which it is not easy to follow the hitchhikers' motto and not panic.This box includes three miniatures: the Hassassin Husam Yasbir, an almost legendary character in the Hassassin Society, Chandra Sergeant Thrasymedes of the Steel Phalanx,and a Galactic Hitchhiker that can be used as an HVT. A fantastic addition to those armies started with Operation: Blackwind.
Infinity: Yu Jing - Bixie, the Jade Champion
Armies: Yu Jing/ Invincible Army/ White Banner Army/ StarmadaYu Jing’s champion in the HexaDome, heroine of the StateEmpire, and icon of the technological achievements of the Dágang Corporation. She was a young soldier who lost both legs fighting for her country on Svalarheima, and who still takes part in tournaments, as well as in recruiting campaigns and, especially, in touring different battlefronts representing Yu Jing and O-12, turned into a real symbol for all the StateEmpire’s citizens.This box includes 1 miniature of Bìxié. A highly capable trooper to reinforce the Fireteams of the Invincible Army, the White Banner, and even Starmada, but which can also stand alone in your Yu Jing lists.
Infinity: Panoceania: Military Orders Action Pack
The Military Orders, religious groups of military character, were a phenomenon of the Middle Ages that, surprisingly, has resurfaced in the Human Sphere with a force comparable to that of its heyday. Bringing additional combat strength to the army of PanOceania and subject to PanOceanian High Command, they have some freedom of action and distinguish themselves by their assault tactics that recall those of earlier bloodier times.
Infinity: Haqqislam Action Pack
Haqqislam, the New Islam, is a minor power, spread across only a single planetary system, Bourak. Haqqislam has built a culture around a humanist, scholarly version of Islam that is in constant contact with Nature and rejects all fundamentalism. Biomedical science and Terraformation are the two pillars of their development, and Haqqislam is home to the best academies of Medicine and Planetology in the Human Sphere.This box includes ten miniatures for Haqqislam: 3 Ghulam with Rifle and Light Shotgun, 1 Khawarij with Rifle and Light Shotgun, 1 Tuareg with Sniper Rifle, 1 Zhayedan with Breaker Rifle and Light Shotgun, 1 Fasid with HMG, Grenade Launcher and Smoke Grenade Launcher, 1 Fiday with DA CC Weapon, 1 Ragik with Boarding Shotgun, and the charismatic leader Tarik Mansuri with Spitfire. A complete army list and the best product to start playing and collecting an Haqqislam force.
Infinity: Panoceania Military Order Hospitaller Action Pack
Armies: PanOceania / Military OrdersThe Hospital is the most powerful and influential Religious Military Order in PanOceania. Crusaders for faith and country, they are aware that their mission is to always be ready for the call of duty, which always comes at the darkest hour.Box includes 11 miniatures for the Military Orders Sectorial Army of PanOceania: One Knight Hospitaller with HMG, one Knight Hospitaller with Boarding Shotgun, one Knight Hospitaller Doctor, one Knight Hospitaller with DA CCW, one Crusader Brethren with MULTI Rifle, one Order Sergeant Hacker, one Order Sergeant with COMBI Rifle and his Auxbot, one Order Sergeant with Heavy Rocket Launcher, one Black Friar with MULTI Rifle and the charismatic leader, Joan of Arc with AP CCW.The perfect box to start collecting and playing with the Military Orders.
Infinity: Nomads: Reinforcements Lizard Squadron
Armies: Nomads / Jurisdictional Command of Bakunin / Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor (Reinforcements) / Jurisdictional Command of Tunguska (Reinforcements)Lizards are old T.A.G. models optimized with new software installations and experimental wetware, so they are on the same level as their enemy equivalents, and just as lethal and resistant.This box includes one thermoplastic miniature. Lizards are equipped with powerful and lethal weapons which are not available to other troops. The ideal complement for your Nomad Nation Reinforcements, but also for your regular Nomads forces.
Infinity: Nomads: Reinforcements: Nomads Pack Alpha
Created to pursue those who stole secrets from the Black Labs, the skill and reputation of the Vipera Pursuit Force is so impressive that the NMF has requested their services as support to the main force. Hence, there are always a few Vipera teams ready to respond to any emergency situation at the request of the High Command. And their actions will always be true to their name: swift and deadly.This box includes six miniatures: 1 Marspider with Heavy Flamethrower and Panzerfaust, 1 Marspider with Heavy Flamethrower and Grenades, 1 Prowler with Spitfire, 1 Kulak with Heavy Rocket Launcher andPulzar, 1 Kulak Hacker, and 1 Rounder with Red Fury. The perfect box to provide Reinforcements to your Nomads forces when things go wrong.
Infinity: Panoceania: Reinforcements: Squalos Mark-Ii (Panoceanian Armored Cavalry)
Armies: PanOceania / Military Orders / Varuna Immediate Reaction Division / Svalarheima’s Winter Force / Shock Army of Acontecimento / Neoterran Capitaline ArmyHeavy Lancers regiments are hyper-sophisticated units, the epitome of PanOceania’s technological superiority. As they are used to working as a team and supporting each other in perfect synchronicity, these troops have proven to be both formidable and terrifying in combat. All Squalos bear an inscription with the motto of the armored corps: Ultima Ratio PanOceaniae, “The final argument of PanOceania,” for the Armored Cavalry is PanOceania’s finest instrument of persuasion.This box includes one injected thermoplastic miniature: a Squalo Mk-II with Spitfire. An amazing TAG to expand your PanOceania collection and your Reinforcements: PanOceania Pack Alpha (REF: 281235-1020).
Infinity: Yu Jing: Reinforcements: Haetae Unit
Armies: Yu Jing / Imperial Service / Invincible Army / White Banner These Emergency Support Forces are operational groups scattered throughout sensitive areas that have been designated by the StateEmpire High Command, so they have become the most highly available strategic elements of the Yujingyu army. This box includes 3 miniatures: The Chief Mech-Engineer Chung-Hee Jeong, Sergeant So-Ra Kwonwith Combi Rifle and one Jujak with Spitfire. The ideal complement for your Yu Jing reinforcement forces.
Infinity: Yu Jing: Reinforcements: Yu Jing Pack Alpha
Armies: Yu Jing / Imperial Service / Invincible Army / White Banner These Emergency Support Forces are operational groups scattered throughout sensitive areas that have been designated by the StateEmpire High Command, so they have become the most highly available strategic elements of the Yujingyu army. This box includes 6 miniatures: One Hwarang with Light Shotgun, one Hwarang with CombiRifle, one Sulsa Warrior Hacker with Submachine gun, one Sulyong with ShockMarksman Rifle, one Sulyong Paramedic with Ligh Shotgun and one Dokkaebi Hacker. The perfect box to provide Reinforcements to your PanOceania forces when things go wrong.
Infinity: Nomad -Bakunin Uberfallkommando
Armies: Nomads / Jurisdictional Command of BakuninComposed of a Chimera, a human modified in a bizarre way for combat, and a group of Pupniks, illegal human-animal hybrids, genetically created for fighting and sex, the Überfallkommando riot control unit is the scourge of the clandestine fight circuits.This box includes 4 miniatures: 1 Chimera and 3 Pupniks. The strength and speed of these troops make them perfect for use as an assault element, a favorite of Bakunin players, and a good choice to complete the Bakunin Observance Action Pack (REF: 281522-0995).
Infinity: Aleph: Aleph Operations Action Pack
Who can possibly know what ALEPH thinks? Its representatives will tell you that, for the AI, the Sphere is its home and its responsibility, the creator it must help in order to walk together into the future, putting all of its efforts towards the progress of humanity. Its detractors, the Nomad Nation, will assure you that for ALEPH, the Sphere is a playground, the puppet theater to direct, a simple medium for its one and only purpose, which is advancement of ALEPH itself.
Infinity: Ariadna: Tartary Army Action Pack
A human colony lost in an isolated star system. Left to their own devices on a hostile, resource-poor planet, endurance and mettle had to make up for the lack of state-of-the-art technology. Cossack, American, French and Scottish fought each other and they all fought the planet, and from all this fighting emerged Ariadna, where only the toughest survive. Welcome to Ariadna. Welcome to hell.
Infinity: Nomad Bakunin Observance Action Pack
Armies: PanOceania / Military Orders / Nomads / BakuninMother Healer Agatha and Brother Indigo Konstantinos are people of faith, but of arms too. They both search for peace through the fight, if necessary. And when the outlaw AI Robin Hook crosses their path, the fight is both necessary and unavoidable!This box includes 3 miniatures: The Mother Healer Agatha Wabara with Vulkan Shotgun, Indigo Brother Konstantinos with Combi Rifle, and the Outlaw AI Robin Hook.Give your armies some personality with these heroes!
Infinity: Endsong
“Infinity: Endsong” is an expansion for Infinity that opens up a new stage in the universe and game, welcoming the release of the new Reinforcements rules with a complete overview of all Infinity factions’ reinforcement and reaction groups, as well as their respective troops. In addition to broadening the universe and backstory, preparing it for a new phase, this expansion also covers the Nomad mothership Bakunin and its Observance, the Hassassins of Haqqislam, and ALEPH’s Steel Phalanx.This book also features three narrative scenarios to expand on the aftermath of the events of Endsong, which can be played in ITS to shape and determine the future of Concilium, either in campaign mode or as stand alone games.In addition, there are four top-level painting guides to unveil the secrets of professional painting for the most emblematic troops of Bakunin’s Observance, the Hassassins, and the Steel Phalanx.
Infinity: Nomads - Corregidor Fireteam Pack Beta
Armies: Nomads / Jurisdictional Command of CorregidorConsidered amongst the best of the Human Sphere, Corregidor correctional forces are composed of their response unit, the Lobos who are devoted to the Santa Muerte Roja, and also of Diablos, violent cyberimplanted inmates used as brutal shock troopers.This box includes 4 miniatures: One Diablo with Light Shotgun and Trench-hammer, One Diablo with Submachine Gun and Trench-hammer, one Lobo with Red Fury, and one Lobo with Breaker Combi Rifle. The perfect box to add a tough Fireteam to your Corregidor Force.
Infinity: Combined Army: The Anathematics (Hacker)
Armies: Combined Army / Onyx Contact ForceThe Anathematics are tactical intervention shells that have been drastically altered and equipped with advanced devices for hiding and camouflage. They could be defined as the worst nightmare any soldier could have, come true. Invisible, relentless operators with hearts of stone and dismal souls. They are the best troops of the Heavy Infantry units of the Combined Army and one of the preferred receptacles of the EI Aspects because of their exceptional capabilities.This box includes one injected thermoplastic miniature of the Anathematic Hacker. When you need firepower and a fearsome hacker for your Combined Army Starter Pack force (REF: 280665-0500), the Anathematic Hacker is the option you've been looking for.
Infinity: Yu Jing: Guilang (Hacker)
Guilang (Hacker) (Ref. 281340-1064)Armies: Yu Jing/ White Banner / White CompanyGuiláng (Ghost Wolf) Skirmishers are the special arctic branch of the Yu Jing State Army. Their comprehensive training in the icy planet Svalarheima is adjusted to the operational profile of the corps, that is: infiltration and camouflage techniques. The Guiláng can carry out missions that include waterborne and/or airborne operations, infiltration, artillery spotting, relocation through mountainous and snowy terrain, etc.This blister includes one miniature of a Guilang. Get a useful specialist infiltrator able to take down any hackable target and accomplish the scheduled mission. A must-have for any Yu Jing and White Banner player, completing the Yu Jing Action Pack (REF. 281328-0928).
Infinity: Nomads: Tunguska Jurisdictional Command (Nomads Sectorial Starter Pack)
New release! This Starter Pack is the best choice to start collecting, providing the core units of any army list: three Securitate with Combi Rifles, the standard infantry; a Kriza Borac, a dangerous support Heavy Infantry; a Hollow Man, another Heavy Infantry with MULTI Rifle plus Pitcher, a veteran troop who will be your first and last line of defense; and a lethal Heckler Hacker.
Infinity: Ariadna: Highlander Cateran (T2 Sniper)
Armies: Ariadna / Caledonia Highlander Army / Kosmoflot / StarCoThe Cateran are discredited clan warriors. Old professional soldiers who, blinded by ambition, left the army to become brigands and highwaymen. Renegades who do not recognize any authority other than money and who will work for whoever can pay them.Blister with a metal miniature and one decorated thermoplastic base. The weapon’s range and the lethal T2 ammo makes the Cateran one of the most valuable mercenaries of the Human Sphere. An interesting addition to the army lists of Ariadnan players and to StarCo mercenaries.
Infinity: Nomads: Reinforcements: Nomads Pack Beta
The Vipera Pursuit Forces are operational groups scattered throughout sensitive areas as designated by the Nomads HighCommand, so they have become the most available strategic elements of the NMF.This box includes three miniatures: 1 Spektr with Boarding Shotgun, 1 Raoul Spector, the famous mercenary, and 1 Jelena Kovač, Detective Inspector of the Securitate. The ideal complement for your Nomads reinforcement forces.
Infinity: Aleph: Steel Phalanx Expansion Pack Alpha
Armies: / Steel PhalanxIt's hard to say who is most dangerous, the lethal Tactical Hacker Scylla, who is usually accompanied by her loyal DevaBot, or the fearsome Nesaie Alkê, leading her unstoppable Thorakitai.This box includes 3 miniatures: one Scylla Hacker, one DevaBot with Heavy Flamethrower, and one Nesaie Alkê with Spitfire. The perfect support for your Steel Phalanx Fireteams, adding extra firepower to your ALEPH force from Operation: Blackwind.
Infinity: 25mm Scenery Bases (Delta Series)
Blister of ten unpainted injected thermoplastic 25mm bases. Designed exclusively for Infinity miniatures, these scenic bases all have Line of Fire markings to improve the playability of your models. Supplied unpainted.
Infinity: 40mm Scenery Bases (Delta Series)
Blister of four unpainted injected thermoplastic 40mm bases. Designed exclusively for Infinity miniatures, these scenic bases all have Line of Fire markings to improve the playability of your models. Supplied unpainted.
Infinity: Yu Jing: Reinforcements: Yu Jing Pack Beta
Armies: Yu Jing / Imperial Service / Invincible Army / White Banner These Emergency Support Forces are operational groups scattered throughout sensitive areas that have been designated by the StateEmpire High Command, so they have become the most highly available strategic elements of the Yujingyu army. This box includes 3 miniatures: The Chief Mech-Engineer Chung-Hee Jeong, Sergeant So-Ra Kwonwith Combi Rifle and one Jujak with Spitfire. The ideal complement for your Yu Jing reinforcement forces.
Infinity: Panoceania: Reinforcements: Panoceania Pack Alpha
Armies: PanOceania / Military Orders / Varuna Immediate Reaction Division / Svalarheima’s WinterForce / Shock Army of Acontecimento / Neoterran Capitaline Army. If there is a synonym for cavalry in the Human Sphere today, that’s unquestionably the Neoterran Support Force. Its official name may not ring a bell, but everyone has heard its code name: Capital. This box includes 6 miniatures: Ones Neoterra Bolt with Spitfire, one Neoterra Bolt with Boarding Shotgun, one Blocker with Adhesive Launcher, one Blade Ops with Boarding Shotgun, one Blade Ops with Submachine gun and the Flight Officer Agnes Ferreira with Submachine gun. The perfect box to provide Reinforcements to your PanOceania forces when things go wrong.
Infinity: Combined Army: Combined Army Action Pack
The Shasvastii are the Combined Army’s hounds, explorers and trackers. The Shasvastii army works to a criterion of lightness and mobility, disdaining super-heavy combat units. The specialty of this treacherous race is to cause panic, distrust and paranoia, winning wars thanks to fear and stealth.
Infinity: Caskuda Vs Maximus Pre-order Exclusive Pack
Armies: ALEPH / OperationS / PanOceania / Neoterra / Varuna / WinterFor / Combined Army / OnyxReinforcements: Maximus (ALEPH) / Caskuda (Combined Army)Maximus is the greatest Aristeia! star of all time, a symbol of international scope who represents and epitomizes the ideals of Freedom, Truth, Fortitude, and Justice. His response to these dark times the Human Sphere is going through has been to jump into the fray by collaborating with the Support Subsection of ALEPH and the PanOceanian Military Complex.Caskudas are heavily armored assault TAGs outfitted as trans-atmospheric jump units that can be launched from aircraft or planetary orbit. Their entry into the battlefield could easily be mistaken for a hellish meteor shower. Caskudas crash into the zone of operations causing a massive blast to wreak havoc in their enemy’s ranks.Maximus versus Caskuda, only one will be left standing!This box includes 2 injected thermoplastic miniatures plus two exclusive scenic bases, one 55 mm and one40 mm. Maximus with MULTI Marksman Rifle and a Caskuda with Combi Rifle (AP).Two amazing TAGs to expand your ALEPH or PanOceania collection, and your Combined Army collection.
Infinity: Illuminatrix Of The Observance Event Exclusive Edition
Being expert neurochemists, the mission of the Illuminatrices is to assist in the most secret rituals that take place at the heart of the Telesterion. There, in the name of the Holy Virgin of the Knife, they enlighten both aspirants and Reverends in the faith that will lead them to Our Lady of Mercy, conferring on them the most precious gift of all: an encounter and direct contact with the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Illuminatrices have developed the Lux Virginis, a drug cocktail that, combined with the sanctified nails they implant in the Reverends’ backs, stimulates the formation of new neural connections in the temporal lobe and other areas of the brain, allowing, or simulating, contact with the divine.Incredible HVT figure to represent high value targets in your games.IMPORTANT NOTE: Check the conditions to unlock this exclusive miniature
Infinity-Code One: Aleph - Aleph Booster Pack Alpha
Armies: ALEPHALEPH, the sole Artificial Intelligence that oversees the data network of the Human Sphere and most major international technological systems. ALEPH is the greatest ally of Humanity, and without it the interstellar sociopolitical and economic framework would crumble.This box includes 3 miniatures for ALEPH: One Naga Hacker, one Garuda Tacbot, and one Asura Hacker. With this box you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the ALEPH collection you started with Operation: Blackwind.
Infinity: Ariadna - Collection Pack
This box includes the 25 miniatures of the entire CodeOne range of the Ariadna army as well as the CodeOne rules booklet in English. This box is the perfect way to get the entire collection of the brave Ariadna.
Infinity: Combined Army: Collection Pack
This box includes the 25 miniatures that make up the entire CodeOne range of the Combined Army, as well as the CodeOne rules booklet in English. This box is the perfect way to get the entire collection of the great alien menace.
Infinity-Code One: Ariadna Action Pack
Armies: AriadnaAriadna was founded by the descendants of the first human colony ship, thought lost when it disappeared into a wormhole. Left to their own devices on a hostile, resource-poor planet, endurance and mettle had to make up for the lack of state-of-the-art technology, Cossack, American, French and Scottish fought each other and they all fought the planet, and from all the fighting emerged Ariadna, where only the toughest survive. Welcome to Ariadna. Welcome to the army.This box includes 10 miniatures for the Ariadna army: One Rokot with Rifle, one Rokot with Submachine Gun, one Rokot with Light Shotgun, one Paracommando with Boarding Shotgun, one SAS with Boarding Shotgun, one Volkolak with HMG, one Zenit-7 with AP Sniper Rifle, one Kosmosoldat with AP HMG, one Scots Guard with Shock Marksman Rifle and William Wallace with EXP CCW.The perfect box to start playing and collecting your Ariadna army!
Infinity-Code One: Nomads Action Pack
Armies: NomadsThe Nomads are a coalition of three colossal ships whose inhabitants, dissatisfied with a society run by faceless macroeconomic interests and the AI ALEPH, decided to break away and create their own societies in space, moving between systems and trading with the locals. Tunguska lives off the traffic and storage of information; Corregidor offers skilled labor at competitive prices, and Bakunin specializes in all that is exotic, illegal or both, from fashion to nanoengineering.This box includes 10 miniatures for the Nomads Army: Three Alguaciles with Combi Rifle, one Sombra Hacker with MULTI Rifle, one Evader with Spitfire, one Hellcat with Boarding Shotgun, one Intruder with HMG, one Tomcat Engineer with MULTI Rifle, one Wildcat with Spitfire and one Vostok with MK12 (Vostok is in injected thermoplastic).The perfect box to start playing and collecting your Nomads army!
Infinity: Aleph: Maximus Optimate And Hexadome Legend
Armies: ALEPH / OperationS / PanOceania / Neoterra / Varuna / WinterForThe hero of millions of people and an example for all of us, endowed with a sense of duty that has kept him from sitting idly on a golden pedestal after he retired from competition, his response to these dark times the Human Sphere is going through has been to join the Support Subsection’s Program Ank and lead the Optimates international extreme rescue team.This box includes one injected thermoplastic miniature of Maximus. Give your ALEPH OperationS Action Pack (REF: 280866-0857) force all the power and lethality that a TAG can offer and more, one piloted by Maximus!
Infinity: Nomads: Zeroes
Armies: Nomads / Jurisdictional Command of BakuninBakunin’s scout units are specialists in reconnaissance and sabotage behind enemy lines. They received the codename ‘Zeros’ after their exceptionally low rate of both failed missions and casualties.This box includes three miniatures: one Zero Hacker, one Zero Minelayer with Combi Rifle and Bran do Castro, Triple Zero with Shock CCW. Complement your Bakunin Observance Action Pack (REF: 281522-0995) with these versatile skirmishers.
Infinity: Haqqislam: Reinforcements Special Deterrance Group Azra'il (Spitfire Ap)
Armies: Haqqislam / Qapu KhalqiThe Azrai´l are seasoned elite troops who have fallen in disgrace. So they are sent to a unit where their talents can be taken advantage of, while also keeping a close eye on them: the Azra’il Special Deterrence Group.This box includes one injected Thermoplastic miniature of one Azra'il with AP Spitfire. Are you looking for a heavy support capable of penetrating any enemy armor? Then, don’t think twice and add an Azra'il to your Haqqislam Action Pack (REF: 281408-0844) combat force.
Infinity-Code One: 0-12 Collection Pack
Armies: O-12. RECOMMENDED PRODUCT FOR INFINITY CODEONEThis box includes the 26 miniatures that make up the entire CodeOne range of the O-12 army, as well as the CodeOne rules booklet in English. This box is the perfect way to get the entire collection of the O-12’s international police force.
Infinity: Aleph: Reinforcements: Aleph Pack Alpha
Reinforcements: ALEPH Pack Alpha (Ref. 280879-1036)Armies: ALEPH / OperationS / Steel PhalanxProgram Ank consisted in stationing smaller rapid reaction groups in areas of interest or conflict, equidistant from several hot spots, so that they could respond as quickly as possible to any situation. These teams’ role was to be mainly tactical, and their purpose was to provide direct support to units engaged in armed conflict, in order to help complete the mission or provide a way out.This box includes six miniatures: 1 Riksha Tacbot with Boarding Shotgun, 1 Riksha Tacbot with Red Fury, 1 Dawon Tacbot with Chain Rifle, 1 Dawon Tacbot with Pulzar, 1 Artalis Engineer with MULTI Rifle, and 1 Satrah Hacker. The perfect box to provide Reinforcements to your ALEPH forces when things go wrong.
Infinity: Haqqislam: Reinforcements: Haqqislam Pack Alpha
Reinforcements: Haqqislam Pack Alpha (Ref. 281422-1035)Armies: Haqqislam / Ramah Taskforce/ Hassassin Bahram/ Qapu Khalqi.The Melek Reaction Group is true to its code name (“Angels”), for they are the guardian angels who watch over Haqqislamite citizens and interests in the most remote corners of the Sphere, and this evidences that to a nation that follows the Search for Knowledge, all the people who walk this path are of the utmost importance.This box includes six miniatures: 1 Sekban with Red Fury, 1 Sekban with AP Rifle, 1 Hafza with Rifle and Light Shotgun, 1 Burkut with Submachine Gun, 1 Korsan with Light Shotgun, and 1 Al Hawwa Hacker.The perfect box to provide Reinforcements to your Haqqislamite forces when things go wrong.
Infinity: Haqqislam: Reinforcements: Haqqislam Pack Beta
Reinforcements: Haqqislam Pack Beta (Ref. 281423-1046)Armies: Haqqislam / Ramah Taskforce/ Hassassin Bahram/ Qapu Khalqi.The Melek Reaction Groups are made up of a small-sized team of veteran troops from different Qapu Khalqi units that are used to working together. Each team is usually provided with a fast pursuit unit (FPU), a light gunship with very powerful thrusters to respond to a crisis situation.This box includes three miniatures: 1 Hakim with Boarding Shotgun, Husam Operative Leila Sharif with Shock Marksman Rifle, and Medical Specialist Rahman Rouhani with Submachine Gun. The ideal complement for your Haqqislamite Reinforcement units
Infinity: Yu Jing: Taowu Mastermind And Schemer (Pulzar)
Taowu, Mastermind and Schemer (Pulzar) (Ref. 281344-1096)Armies: Yu Jing/ Imperial Service / Druze Bayram Security / Ikari Company / White Company.Táowù's main game takes place outside the zone of operations itself. The most innocuous words, whispered into the right ears at a party, can turn into harmful distractions when he leverages them on the battlefield during the heat of battle. Táowù knows how to win a match before it has even started, by applying minimal pressure on a single point that will make his opponent collapse.This mini-box includes one miniature of Táowù. Deceive the enemy and disable their tactics thanks to this cunning mercenary schemer coming from Aristeia!’s HexaDomes. An interesting addition to your Yu Jing army lists and also Imperial Service Sectorial Army (REF. 280384-0583).
Infinity: Yu Jing - Invincible Army Sectorial Starter Pack
New release! This Starter Pack is the best choice to start collecting, providing the core units of any army list: One Zúyong with Missile Launcher, one Zúyong with Combi Rifle, one Zúyong with Boarding Shotgun, one Liú Xing Hacker, one Daoying Sniper and one Haidào Combi Rifle.A perfect Starter Pack to start playing with Yu Jing’s Invincible Army Sectorial Army. This Starter Pack contains 6 amazing figures providing the troop profiles needed to start an Infinity Army List.
Infinity: Combined Army: Reinforcements Caskuda Wcd Armored Jump Operator
Armies: Combined Army / Onyx Contact Force / Morat Aggression Forces (Reinforcements) / Shasvastii Expeditionary Force (Reinforcements)Caskudas are heavily armored assault T.A.G.s equipped with trans-atmospheric flight units that can be launched from aircraft or from planetary orbit..This box includes one thermoplastic miniature. The Caskuda releases havoc deploying with an explosion behind enemy lines in the middle of the battle. The ideal complement for your Combined Army Reinforcements, or for your regular alien forces too.
Infinity: Aleph: Myrmidons
Armies: PanOceania / Yu Jing / Nomads / JurisdictionalCommand of Corregidor / ALEPH / O-12/ Druze Bayram Security / JSA / StarCo /Ikari Company / Dashat CompanyMining is not only a dangerous job, but also a poorly paid one, which is why many prospectors working in these frontier territories are willing to make some extra cash by carrying out some after-work armed jobs for mining companies or mercenary teams.Mini-box containing one miniature. Diggers are an inexpensive short-range troop option that will allow you to cover deployment zones and keep threats away from your high-value rear-guard targets, or throw them against the enemy to force him to counter-maneuver and lose positions.
Infinity: Na2: Diggers: Armed Prospectors (Chain Rifle)
Armies: PanOceania / Yu Jing / Nomads / JurisdictionalCommand of Corregidor / ALEPH / O-12/ Druze Bayram Security / JSA / StarCo /Ikari Company / Dashat CompanyMining is not only a dangerous job, but also a poorly paid one, which is why many prospectors working in these frontier territories are willing to make some extra cash by carrying out some after-work armed jobs for mining companies or mercenary teams.Mini-box containing one miniature. Diggers are an inexpensive short-range troop option that will allow you to cover deployment zones and keep threats away from your high-value rear-guard targets, or throw them against the enemy to force him to counter-maneuver and lose positions.
Infinity: Combined Army: Reinforcements: Combined Army Pack Beta
The Exrah Commissariat provides rapid support teams that it can deploy out of any of the countless ships it has scattered throughout most of the known systems. However, due the reputation of this predatory species, they’re commonly watched by some of the Combined Army’s most dependable troops.This box includes three miniatures: 1 Umbra Legate with DA CCW, 1 Nexus Operative Hacker, and Ko Dali with MULTI Rifle. The ideal complement for your Combined Army reinforcement units.