Yu-Gi-Oh: Structure Deck: Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon
The "Power Up With Packs!" supplement suggests combining this Deck with "March of the Monarchs" and "Quick Booster" from Cosmo Blazer, "Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon" and "Dragoncarnation" from Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy, "Armades, Keeper of Boundaries" and "Shapesister" from Judgment of the Light, and "Gagaga Cowboy" and "Forbidden Dress" from Abyss Rising. Each Structure Deck: Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon contains: 1 Preconstructed Deck of 41 cards 2 Ultra Rares 2 Super Rares 37 Commons 1 Rulebook 1 Dueling Guide 1 Playmat
Yu-Gi-Oh: Structure Deck: Dark World
The Forces of Darkness are back, with new cards that make them faster and stronger than ever before. This brand-new Structure Deck builds on two dozen existing Dark World cards by adding new Monsters, Spells, and Trap Cards, including the first-ever Dark World Fusion Monster. With this much power at your command, your Dark World army is ready to finish the job! Each Structure Deck: Dark World contains: 1 Preconstructed Deck of 45 cards: 5 Ultra Rares 3 Super Rares 37 Commons 1 Double-sided Deluxe Game Mat/Dueling Guide