Warhammer 40,000 | Chaos Daemons
Warhammer 40K: Chaos Daemons - Index Cards
This deck of Index: Chaos Daemons cards will enhance your games from the moment you start playing Warhammer 40,000, giving you hands-on references to all the rules for your faction. The deck includes individual datasheets for every Chaos Daemons unit, detailing their profiles, wargear, options, and special abilities. You'll also find reference cards for the Chaos Daemons army rule – The Shadow of Chaos – as well as Daemonic Pact rules for including Chaos Daemons units in other Chaos armies, and the Daemonic Incursion Detachment, which includes four Enhancements, six Stratagems, and the Warp Rifts rule.Contents:- 55x Chaos Daemons Datasheet Cards:Be’lakorBeasts of NurgleBloodcrushersBloodlettersBloodmasterBloodthirsterBlue HorrorsBurning ChariotChangecasterContorted EpitomeDaemon Prince of ChaosDaemon Prince of Chaos with WingsDaemonettesEpidemiusExalted FlamerExalted Seeker ChariotFateskimmerFeculent GnarlmawFiendsFlamersFlesh HoundsFluxmasterGreat Unclean OneHellflayerHorticulous SlimuxInfernal EnrapturessKairos FateweaverKaranakKeeper of SecretsLord of ChangeNurglingsPink HorrorsPlague DronesPlaguebearersPoxbringerRendmaster on Blood ThroneRotigusScreamersSeeker ChariotSeekersShalaxi HelbaneSkarbrandSkull AltarSkull CannonSkullmasterSkulltakerSloppity BilepiperSoul GrinderSpoilpox ScrivenerSyll’esskeThe Blue ScribesThe ChangelingThe Masque of SlaaneshTormentbringer on Exalted Seeker ChariotTranceweaver- 3x Chaos Daemons Index Cards, detailing the faction's army rule and the Daemonic Incursion DetachmentAll cards are 190mm x 126mm.
Warhammer 40k: Chaos Daemons: Slaughterbrute / Mutalith Vortex Beast
The Mutalith Vortex Beast can be used by Slaves to Darkness armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Thousand Sons armies in Warhammer 40,000. It can alternatively be built as a Slaughterbrute, a furious beast bound by dark sorceries.
Warhammer 40K: Chaos Daemons - Combat Patrol
This set includes the following multipart plastic models:1x Bloodmaster3x Bloodcrushers10x Flesh Hounds20x BloodlettersAll models are supplied with their appropriate bases.
Warhammer 40K: Chaos Daemons - Boarding Patrol
This set includes the following:- 1x Karanak, The Hound of Vengeance- 10x Flesh Hounds- 10x BloodlettersThis box can be used to assemble a variety of units – the recommended build for Boarding Action games is Karanak, two units of five Flesh Hounds, and a unit of ten Bloodletters.All models are supplied with their appropriate bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.Rules for playing Boarding Action games of Warhammer 40,000 can be found in the Arks of Omen: Abaddon supplement. Additional rules for Chaos Daemons Boarding Patrols can be found in Arks of Omen: Vashtorr.
Warhammer 40k: Chaos Daemons - Tzeentch Screamers
This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble 3 Screamers of Tzeentch – bizarrely sleek ray-like forms, covered in eyes, horns and fins ready to slash at their foes.This kit comprises 27 components, and is supplied with 3 small flying bases and 3 ball and socket flying stems. Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.
Warhammer 40k: Chaos Daemons - Epidemius
This is a finely detailed resin cast kit, and contains eleven components, a 50mm square base and a 60mm round base with which to make one Epidemius. Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.
Warhammer 40k: Chaos Daemons - Festus the Leechlord
This finely detailed resin kit featuring the horrid, bloated form of Festus The Leechlord contains ten components and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base. Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.
Warhammer 40k: Chaos Daemons - Poxbringer
This model comes as 7 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base. The Poxbringer can be added to both Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies.