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Board Games

70 products

  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Mystic Vale: Harmony GTS

    Mystic Vale: Harmony

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    Harmony adds new advancement and vale cards, giving players more card crafting options and exciting new possibilities for combos. Amulets feature unique effects and greater variety over regular mana tokens. Leader cards grant abilities that can be upgraded to become even more powerful. Amulets work like regular mana tokens. When you Spoil, you turn over your amulet to its active side that shows the Evoke symbol face up. You may “Evoke” your amulet to use its ability, as described on its active side. You must then turn your amulet over to its used side.

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Mystic Vale: Nemesis GTS

    Mystic Vale: Nemesis

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    Mystic Vale: Nemesis adds new advancement and vale cards to the base Mystic Vale game, giving players more card-crafting options and exciting new possibilities for combos. Leader cards in the form of titans grant abilities that can be upgraded to become even more powerful! Curse tokens offer players a quicker path to power, but with a price at the end of the game. Nemesis cards introduce an exciting new variant for a solitaire game!

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Mystic Vale: Twilight Garden GTS

    Mystic Vale: Twilight Garden

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    As the battle for the vale rages and spreads, new allies arise. While some are stalwart in their duties, others are more nuanced in their efforts and approach. All know the cost of failure and won't entertain such thoughts for a moment. The battle will be fought. The battle will be won...no matter the cost. Twilight Garden adds new advancement and vale cards, giving players more card crafting options and exciting new possibilities for combos. New leader cards grant abilities that can be upgraded to become even stronger! New curse tokens offer players a quicker path to power, but with a price at the end of the game. Contents include:96 Advancements36 Vale Cards8 Leader Cards47 Curse Tokens1 Rulebook

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Ready Set Bet GTS

    Ready Set Bet

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    In Ready Set Bet, you and your friends head to the races for a day of cheering, jeering, and betting on your favorite horses, whose fates hang on every roll of the dice. Ready Set Bet is played over four rounds. Each round consists of a race followed by bet resolution. During each race, players freely place their bet tokens on the board while the race is going on. After each race, players win or lose money for each of their placed bet tokens, then receive a VIP Club Card to help them win more money in the following races. After four rounds, the player with the most money wins!

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Smash Up: Big in Japan GTS

    Smash Up: Big in Japan

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    Smash Up: Big in Japan brings the most kawaii base-bashing you've seen to Smash Up, with four factions born from Japanese pop culture: anime fighting girls, cute collectible critters that are totally not Pokémon, colorful fighters that are in no way Power Rangers, and Godzilla.

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Smash Up: It's Your Fault GTS

    Smash Up: It's Your Fault

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    Smash Up turns over the wheel to all of you! Through a huge nomination and run-off process, players from all over the world helped choose four of the factions that take part in Smash Up: It's Your Fault!. The winning four factions were Sharks, Superheroes, Mythic Greeks, and Dragons - with the "Shark Delivery System" Tornado faction thrown in as a bonus!

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Smash Up: Monster Smash GTS

    Smash Up: Monster Smash

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    Hide under the sheets! Monsters are coming! Smash Up: Monster Smash brings all the great horrors of the screen to your game of Smash Up. Can you master these horrifying factions to defeat your opponents? With new “power counter” mechanics, Monster Smash brings all-new excitement to your base smashing madness! Vampires – From the dark gothic recesses of ancient brooding castles, draped in black velvet, and probably listening to Bauhaus, the children of the night come to drink deep from Smash Up! Draining the very life from their victims, these cursed souls will gain power upon destroying your opponents’ minions.Mad Scientists – Working in the lab, late one night, my eyes beheld an eerie sight. For my monster from his slab, began to rise. And suddenly to my surprise, he did the Smash… Up. The Mad Scientists, intent on unlocking the mysteries of life, have instead released death in the form of powerful creations! Their toying with nature can empower various minions, but at what cost?(Apologies to Bobby Pickett)Giant Ants – The future of atomic energy was never supposed to have this disastrous effect! Mutant ants spill out from giant hills, intent on destroying our homes and all else that stands in their colony’s way! The ants work as a great hive mind, spreading their power around as necessary to ensure their atomic-age victory!Werewolves – From howling at the moon, to cowing their pack, or ripping through town, the werewolves are here to assert their place as the alphas of Smash Up. Using their explosive power to beat down opponents, the werewolves will not relent in their drive to hunt and dominate all that stand against them.Combine these groups into teams of two for various effects! Smash Up: Monster Smash also contains 8 new Base cards to compete over.

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Smash Up: Munchkin GTS

    Smash Up: Munchkin

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    History records many great pairings. Death and Taxes. Peanut Butter and Jelly. Cats and Cheeseburgers. Now we've smashed up Munchkin with Smash Up! Smash Up is the game where each player smashes two weird factions together and tries to crush all the others. The factions in this set Munchkin races and classes: Orcs, Warriors, Halflings, Clerics, Dwarves, Elves, Thieves, and Mages! All the factions have different powers, and every team-up is different. This set may be played by itself, but all the factions are fully compatible with your existing Smash Up sets. There are also two brand-new card types. Monsters lurk around the bases, and "Treasures" give you new rewards when you smash a base! Contains: 8 Factions with 20 Cards Each 20 Monster Cards 22 Treasure Cards Token Sheet 16 Base Cards Rulebook

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Smash Up: Oops, You Did It Again GTS

    Smash Up: Oops, You Did It Again

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    Well, you've done it now! You went and picked four awesome new factions for smash up! The fans spoke, and you guys are getting cowboys, ancient Egyptians, Vikings and Samurai! Fully compatible with all other smash up sets, you can finally live the dream of cowboy kittens facing off against dinosaur Samurai!

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Smash Up: Pretty Pretty Smash Up GTS

    Smash Up: Pretty Pretty Smash Up

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    Think only pirates, time travelers, vampires, and bears can smash bases? Well get ready to be taught a lesson in the nicest way possible! Pretty Pretty Smash Up brings the sweetest factions ever to the vicious fight for victory! Kitty Cats use their incredible cuteness to take control of enemy minions. Princesses ply their royalty, beauty and even their love to get their way. Fairies fickle tricks give you options like never before, while the herds of Mythic Horses work together for dominance. Get ready: your opponents will never know what hit them! Fairies from deep in the magical glades come these little sprites, bringing magical wishes and pixie dust (but only in emergencies) to your plans for world domination. Don't judge them by their size. The Fairies magic gives you great options in how to deal with your enemies. The power of togetherness shows through in Horses, whose mighty herds race across the land, trampling any who stand in their way. Not only normal horses, but pegasi, sea-horses and more will join the fight for the base! Remember that friendship isn't smashable! Can haz base? Kitty Cats have the power to compel those of weak will to do what they wish and the power to have billions of internet memes. Perhaps those are the key? Either way, the Kitty Cats will use their alluring power to dominate the fight at any base. Then head out for a night of jazzy music in the alleys! Dream a dream of ruling over your enemies! Princesses will make every wish come true through the power of pure love and happiness. Which can be used, oddly, to order everyone about, and even destroy your enemies. Don't be fooled: these innocent-looking beauties are few in number, but royal, strong and determined! Combine these groups into teams of two for various effects! Pretty Pretty Smash Up also contains 8 new Base cards to compete over.

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Smash Up: Science Fiction Double Feature GTS

    Smash Up: Science Fiction Double Feature

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    Smash Up is back with even more wild factions in the mix! Science Fiction Double Feature brings four new groups to the base-smashing business, with abilities unlike those seen before!Time Travelers – The time stream has been compromised. Robots from the future mingle with pirates, extinct dinosaurs move with magical wizards… everything is all smashed up! That’s where the Time Patrol steps in. Organized in 1976 and led by the enigmatic Doctor When, the Time Patrol works to keep time flowing… in the manner they deem best.Cyborg Apes – In a daring raid on a top secret research facility, apes stole the latest in cybernetic enhancements, and are now enacting their centuries old plan to take over the world! Combining their natural athleticism and powerful strength with high-tech augmentations, these apes will go bananas all of your opponents!Super Spies – The shadow war between International Secret Intelligence and the evil HAVOC (Henchman and Villains of Chaos) continues. HAVOC’s schemes threaten the world, from weather changing satellites to lasers mounted on secret moon-bases, they can only be opposed by the daring agents of the ISI. Using the latest in espionage technology, the ISI will be able to foil your opponents plans before they even come to fruition.Shapeshifters – Far below the surface of the earth, strange amorphous creatures have developed a thriving world, based on the manipulation of their own genetics. Now they plan to apply that knowledge to conquer our world above. Taking samples of the most powerful creatures and warriors they can find, these shapeshifters can use the best of whoever they copy.Combine these groups into teams of two for various effects! Smash Up: Science Fiction Double Feature also contains 8 new Base cards to compete over.

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Space Base: Command Station GTS

    Space Base: Command Station

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    Following the events surrounding "Shy Pluto," two new zones within known space have opened up. The Admiral has promoted two new Captains to the rank of Commodore to command these new space bases and work their sectors! The Space Base: Command Station expansion allows players to expand their games of Space Base to include two more players and adds "pre-deployed" ship cards to adjust for balance and gameplay with more than five players. Now six or seven Commodores can compete for the promotion to become the Admiral of the U.E.S. Fleet! The Space Base: Command Station box is designed to be large enough to hold the Space Base base game, the Shy Pluto expansion, and additional future expansions in one convenient storage box!

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Space Base: The Emergence of Shy Pluto GTS

    Space Base: The Emergence of Shy Pluto

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    A strange new galactic body has emerged within the Milky Way. The greatest minds of The United Earth Services find themselves bewildered by the sudden appearance of Shy Pluto. Get the crews to their stations — it's time to deploy your ships. The Emergence of Shy Pluto is the first installment of Space Base "Saga Expansions." This expansion to Space Base is a collection of story-based scenarios that introduce new content to the game via a narrative structure. Not only are new ships added, but new scenarios are included as well. Once the story is completed, it may be replayed or the contents may be added to the Space Base base set.

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG The Captain is Dead GTS

    The Captain is Dead

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    Imagine that you are one of the crew in your favorite science fiction TV show. Now imagine that in the last 10 minutes of the show things have gone so badly that the captain is dead and you and the surviving members of your crew have to pull together and save the day yourselves! The Captain Is Dead is a co-op game for 2 to 7 players. All you have to do is get the ship's engines (aka "Jump Core") back online and you win, but because there is a hostile alien ship trying to destroy you, that is easier said than done. You have an impressive star ship full of useful systems that will help you fend off the aliens, and get the Jump Core back online. Each system gives you an advantage while it remains online. The assault from the hostile alien ship tends to keep knocking those systems offline however. So you need to balance your time between keeping the ships system's online, fending off the alien threat, and completing your objective. Each member of your crew has special abilities and skills. You need to work as a group to maximize the potential of each role. If someone tries to be a hero, you'll all die.

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG The Captain is Dead: Dangerous Planet GTS

    The Captain is Dead: Dangerous Planet

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    The intrepid crew escaped the alien prison in Lockdown. Now, having been assigned a third captain, they are on their first away mission! Taking their shuttlecraft to the surface of an abandoned alien planet, they are tasked with discovering alien relics that may point to why the alien empire detests our Spacefleet so much, and how we may one day forge peace. Of course, your new captain was very diplomatic, and upon encountering giant bugs that may very well be the reason the aliens abandoned the planet, he chose to attempt to communicate. The bugs communicated by biting his head clean off. So now, once again without a captain, the crew must attempt to complete the mission by exploring tunnels and obtaining relics, all while fighting off a swarm of bugs! The Captain Is Dead: Dangerous Planet uses the mechanisms of The Captain is Dead in a whole new way. Through exploration and area defense, you'll try to survive long enough to obtain the necessary relics — but should the bugs attack the shuttlecraft enough times, you won't be able to escape! The Dangerous Planet tunnel system is modular, for easier and harder challenges.

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG The Captain is Dead: Lockdown GTS

    The Captain is Dead: Lockdown

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    Lockdown is a new standalone episode in the ongoing saga that started with The Captain Is Dead. This time, our intrepid crew find themselves prisoners on their own ship. Hostile aliens have taken control, and the crew must work together and remain hidden while attempting to regain control of the ship. You don't need The Captain Is Dead base game to play Lockdown, which is a 1-7 player co-op game.

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG The Guild of Merchant Explorers GTS

    The Guild of Merchant Explorers

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    The Queen has sent out a call to The Guild of Merchant Explorers, asking brave adventurers to voyage to all corners of the kingdom of Tigom. While the kingdom is flourishing, its maps have not been updated in some time and its great cities have lost contact with one another. With your team of explorers, you will journey over rough seas, majestic mountains, vast deserts, and lush grasslands to establish trade routes between cities, visit far-seeing discovery towers, and discover new villages that have emerged.Contents: 8 Double Sided Maps1 Exploration Board24 Goal Cards52 Village tokens144 Explorer Cubes16 Discovery Towers32 Trading Post tokens75 Coin tokens40 Treasure tokens16 Crystal tokens5 Solo Mode Era tokens28 Investigate Cards40 Treasure Cards1 RulebookAges 14+, 1-4 players, 45+ minutes

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Thunderstone Quest GTS

    Thunderstone Quest

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    Thunderstone returns with Thunderstone Quest. Recruit your heroes, arm your party, then visit the dungeon — and the dungeon has new perils not seen in prior Thunderstone releases. All-new dungeon tiles create new challenges and rewards as you explore deeper and deeper in the dungeon. Each quest brings new dungeons as well as new side adventures! Thunderstone is a fantasy deck-building game. Each player starts with a basic deck of cards that they can use to purchase, or upgrade to, other, more powerful cards. Thunderstone Quest brings new play modes to the table. The game will tell a specific story with a series of pre-set dungeon tiles, monsters, heroes and support cards. Each will come with a series of mini-adventures and a story booklet that tells players what happens as they progress through the scenarios. Once players have completed the quests they will be able to enjoy great replay value with the available selection of monsters, heroes, and support cards, as well as the new dungeon tiles, by choosing random set-ups before the start of play. Aside from heroes such as wizards, fighters, rogues, and clerics, cards will include supplies that heroes need like weapons, spells, items, or light to reach further into the dungeon. The dungeon deck is created by combining several different groups of monsters together. Certain groups of monsters may be more or less susceptible to different hero types, so players have to take this into account when they choose what to buy.

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Thunderstone Quest: At the Foundations of the World GTS

    Thunderstone Quest: At the Foundations of the World

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    This is Quest #4 for Thunderstone Quest. Each Quest consists of a selection of dungeon tiles and monster cards that create an engaging storyline. Each Quest includes rules for selecting Village and Dungeon cards to create a variety of Adventures. After you've mastered each Quest you use random setups of Quest cards to create new Dungeons and Villages - build your own Quests and Adventures! Contains 6 dungeon tiles, 25 dividers, randomizers, and 243 cards, including 6 heroes, 6 monsters, 12 support items, treasure and three versions of the Guardian, each of slightly different difficulty, meaning that different Adventures within the Quest have a scaling challenge.

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Tiny Towns: Fortune GTS

    Tiny Towns: Fortune

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    The smaller creatures of the forest have created a civilization free of predators, and they look to you as mayor to guide their growing and thriving town. However, the area is small, and resources are scarce. The clever use of limited resources will determine the most successful tiny town. In the expansion Tiny Towns: Fortune, the creatures of the forest have found a way to trick each other into thinking shiny bits of metal have arbitrary value. It's very useful — so much so that you can use this thing called "money" to get other creatures to give you almost anything in return for the right number of shiny bits. If only earning money weren't so difficult!

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG Valley of the Kings (Premium Edition) GTS

    Valley of the Kings (Premium Edition)

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    When you die, you can take it with you! Take on the role of Egyptian nobles at the time of the pharaohs, preparing for death and burial in the Valley of the Kings. Players want to fill their tombs with food, canopic jars, statues, amulets and other treasures, and to do so they acquire cards that are laid out in the shape of a pyramid; purchase cards at the base of the pyramid, and it "crumbles" to bring cards higher in the pyramid to the base where they can be bought. The pyramid resets each round with new offerings. You score only for cards that you remove from your deck and stash in your tomb, so if you keep using valuable cards for their effects and don't entomb them before the game ends, you could lose out on big points! Whoever collects the most valuable artifacts in their tomb wins. Valley of the Kings: Premium Edition includes all the cards from the three previously released games (Valley of the Kings, Afterlife, Last Rites), plus the components needed to play with a fifth and sixth player. It also includes rules for solo play, dividers for all the cards, and new pharaoh cards that give their holder unique abilities. The components are upgraded to 300+ tarot-sized cards.

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  • Gamers Guild AZ AEG War Chest: Nobility Expansion GTS

    War Chest: Nobility Expansion

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    The chivalric system was a huge part of medieval warfare. Various offices of state were handed out to the highborn of the land, from Bannermen that surrounded kings and queens, to Earls and Heralds enacting their liege's will across the realm. Bishoprics had much land and influence associated with them, and were sought after position for nobles.Can you add these four new influential units to your force, and use royal proclamations to your advantage, to once again triumph in this masterful game of tactical warfare?Contents:6 Proclamation Seals16 Faction Control Markers7 Royal Decree Cards19 Unit Coins4 Unit Cards Ages: 14+Players: 2 or 4Game Length: 30-60 minutes

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