Role Playing Games
Traveller RPG: Marches Adventure 2: Mission to Mithril
In The Calixcuel Incident, the Travellers are visiting an underwater city when a disaster causes it to begin leaking. Amid the chaos, they discover they have the means to save the entire city, if they can only reach and start the auxiliary reactor. However, the reactor is located in a secure bunker on the seabed, separate from the city, and between the Travellers and their destination are mobs of panicking citizens, jammed bulkhead hatches and several kilometres of ocean. Not to mention the squid…. The Calixcuel Incident includes full rules for: Robodivers Orbney’s Pseudosquid Diving Suits Cargo & Work Submarines
Traveller RPG: Reach Adventure 3: The Calixcuel Incident
In The Calixcuel Incident, the Travellers are visiting an underwater city when a disaster causes it to begin leaking. Amid the chaos, they discover they have the means to save the entire city, if they can only reach and start the auxiliary reactor. However, the reactor is located in a secure bunker on the seabed, separate from the city, and between the Travellers and their destination are mobs of panicking citizens, jammed bulkhead hatches and several kilometres of ocean. Not to mention the squid…. The Calixcuel Incident includes full rules for: Robodivers Orbney’s Pseudosquid Diving Suits Cargo & Work Submarines
Traveller RPG: Reach Adventure 2: Theories of Everything
Set in the Sindal Subsector featured in the recently released Core Rulebook, Theories of Everything is an exciting and memorable adventure set in the Trojan Reach. In Reach Adventure 2: Theories of Everything the Travellers are hired as crew and research assistants aboard the laboratory vessel Insight III. The ship is owned by a cooperative of scientists working in a cross-discipline environment to solve problems and discover knowledge as they journey across the vast reaches of space… or so they claim. In fact, Insight III is basically a jump-capable shouting match as its owners bicker, squabble and argue their erratic way across a dangerous subsector. The Travellers’ mission is thus more than merely running the ship and helping collect data. They will need to be advisors, diplomats and bodyguards too, injecting a little common sense into the heady mix of ego and brilliance aboard Insight III. The storyline of the adventure is as much about the interactions of the scientists and crew as the situations they find themselves in, and it may be that the Travellers’ greatest challenge will be keeping the scientists from murdering one another… Includes two new vehicles : the Sealed Air/Raft and the Electric Dirt Bike.
Traveller RPG: Reach Adventure 1: Marooned on Marduk
Set in the Sindal Subsector featured in the recently released Traveller Core Rulebook, Marooned on Marduk is the perfect introduction to the Trojan Reach and the new edition of Traveller. The Traveller’s shuttle to Marduk is damaged during an attack by raiders, forcing it to crash-land far from civilisation. With night falling and little prospect of immediate rescue the Travellers will be forced to seek shelter in nearby ruins, where they discover they are not alone. If the Travellers can just survive one night on Marduk, rescue will surely come. At worst they face a three-way fight for survival… or perhaps they can befriend the xenophobic survivors and team up against the raiders. What might the outcome of such an alliance be?