Clearance - Creepshow
Welcome to Creepshow, a wicked story-building card game where players become Creeps and weave twisted tales of dastardly deviants meeting well-earned demises. You'll need strategy and cunning for this story-rich card game, and to know when to push your luck because deception could be waiting at every turn.
Clearance - Command of Nature
Harness the magic of the forest and go head-to-head with your rivals in this strategic tabletop game for 2 or 4 players. You`ll play as a powerful Sage, summoning warriors from the Twig, Leaf, Droplet, and Pebble factions and fighting to prove your prowess. As the battle continues, you`ll level up and gain access to extraordinary abilities and fierce new recruits. Protect your Sage at all costs and vanquish your opponents to earn the title of Master of the Elements
Clearance - Car Wars - Core Set
Drive Offensively! Car Wars is a game featuring freeways of the future in which the right of way goes to those with the biggest guns. Players choose their vehicle — complete with weapons, armor, power plants, suspension, and even body style — then they take them out on the road, either to come home as "aces" or to crash and burn. If a driver survives, his abilities improve and he can earn money to buy bigger and better cars. Advanced rules let players design their own customized cars, trucks, and cycles. This entry covers Car Wars and Car Wars Deluxe, the first two editions of the rules. See also: Car Wars Compendium, a.k.a. CWC and CWCII, for the third and fourth editions of the rules Car Wars (Fifth Edition) for the revised and simplified edition of the game Mini Car Wars, an introductory version of Car Wars originally printed on a single sheet of paper, requiring only a pencil and six-sided dice. Car Wars Series for a complete list of expansions and supplements (including Autoduel Quarterly, the forty-issue Car Wars magazine)