MTG Regional Championship Qualifier US (1) Round 9 Standard - Tempe - 1/11 @ 11am
Location - Tempe
Registration Time - 10:30am
Start Time - 11:00am
Max Player Count - 32
Entry Fee - $30
Format - Standard, Best of 3
REL - Competitive
Number of Rounds - 4+ rounds of Swiss based on attendance, cut to Top 8
Time Per Round - 50 minutes
Prize Payout -
Participation: 1x Mayhem Devil
Winner: 1x Force of Despair foil
Top 8: 1x Force of Despair
Prizing to Top 8 in store credit after judge payout
Contact Point - Tempe Events Manager (ggtempeevents)
Description: The last store championship of the year! Compete and earn commemorative promos - printed with Gamers Guild AZ on the card!